MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > does anyone actually care about the tana...

does anyone actually care about the tanaka's?!

this whole storyline about who their dad is is so mundane! i quite like the little one but the lanky guy trying it on with amy is awful!


Beats Jack and Paige though, for me haha. "Omg, Jack, you have really hurt me and pissed me off now never speak to me again." Cut to: "Hi Jack. How's it going? How's the weather?" I'm exaggerating but you get the drift. I just want to know who their father is already. Could it be Paul??


What I want to know is how did David track this Bradley guy down to that warehouse? I don't mind them and Leo's a bit of eye candy :)

 It's indie rock and roll for me 


I'm the same as shoppingaddict.


For the same reason Paige jumped out of that air balloon and Jack and Paige may love while everyone was looking for Paige wondering if she was actually still survive and the same reason Tyler got bent out of shape over Piper sleeping with Angus when he'd slept with her sister first. You have to admit Aaron hasn't done any of this either. Oooh!


I'm not sure Paul needs yet another "who's the daddy" storyline. I'm sure he's had at least one.

Could it be someone we haven't really thought of, like Gary or even Karl?


I think David's really cute and sweet. I don't mind Leo, he's a bit of a bad guy in the Paul mould, but could go either way. I don't mind either of them but think we need longer to know what they're really like.

I don't mind the who's their dad story but I hope he's found quickly if the guy they think is their dad at the moment isn't.


Just thought, their Mum is defo Asian, as their maternal grandmother is.

So pretty much anyone could be the Dad. It could even be a given up at birth story, hence why the Dad was kept out and all the secrecy.


That's my thinking as well.

One reason I thought of Gary is that it's pretty clear their dad was a bad boy in some way back when they were born.

I know Karl would probably have put two and two together if he was, but he's still a possibility, though he might be too old (could also be a reason for it not to be Gary, though I think Gary's a bit younger than Karl).

There's Paul and they eliminated Brad as a possibility (which could change), are there any other guys in the right age group on right now?


They aren't great characters, David is boring and Leo is just completely annoying and not likeable at all.


They're also very new, I think new characters on soaps need a good six months before they get to likeable or unlikeable.


I agree. I quite like them-even Leo.

Yes, I think Gary is a good ten years younger than KK.

Karl is c.60
Gary c. 47

Sheila is 65 right?

I can't think of any other eligible men. Although, technically men can procreate until their 70's +, Could be Lou!! Haha!


I do too. Leo's a sleaze but he's done nothing worse than Paul generally.

Ah okay, that would work.

I did have the idea their dad was also a teenager or fairly young but there's no reason that couldn't change if the writers decide that. Brad was also discounted (not living in Ramsay Street at the time) so it would be someone around his age and I think he and Gary are close in age.


Yeah, I reckon Brad is about 42-45.

David and Leo must be about 30? Late 20s...27, at the youngest, I reckon. Actually weren't they born in 1985?

Did that hospital exist in 1985? It certainly wasn't in Neighbours then. I'm sure they used a hospital with a different name in the first year..?

Is Paul about 50?...I'm gonna start a thread on this.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Close enough then for Gary to be a possibility.

Probably, yes. But they said their mum (and dad?) were in their teens I'm sure.

I think they'd probably say it did, even if it didn't.

I'm not sure on Paul.


I quite like the Gary idea, especially with Xanthe being Japan obsessed.


He is really the only viable main character candidate unless they do something retcon-ish with Brad.


Brad is my least favourite candidate. I vote Gary, then Paul.


Brad doesn't really work, but I'd hope if they go with him they'll make it interesting anyway. Though I wouldn't mind if Paige ended up with David either.

But yes, Gary would work so well. Almost too well.


We should find out in the next few weeks - yaay.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I'm definitely looking forward to it when it happens.


Me too.
