MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > Two pregnancies for end of year

Piper and Steph are my guess or piper n Lauren.


Lauren?. Maybe. Not sure about her age. Brad must already be the most fertile man in Australia


My guess would be Paige by the priest, plus either Piper by Angus, or maybe Jack will sleep with Simone too


I've been speculating on Piper getting pregnant since she slept with Angus and also it's very unlikely Jack and Paige had protection when they had sex, so I'm definitely calling at least one of them. Maybe Sonia for the second if it ever works out?


I've heard it's Paige and Sonya.(They did seem to try and convince people that Piper and Angus used protection, guess time will tell whether that was a double bluff or not.)If it is Sonya, I wonder if they go ahead with the surrogacy or if she miraculously ends up pregnant by Toadie at an ill-timed moment?


Hard to imagine Piper and Angus having protection unless Piper's car had a condom dispenser installed in it. I hope it's not them since Angus' guest stint is over soon and I don't want to see another obstacle to Tyler and Piper. Plus we already had a teen pregnancy story with Amber just a year ago. Obviously one is Sonya, the other could be Paige but it's been a month since she and Jack slept together so I'd say the other could be from left field...

Here's a twist, what if it's Steph... That could make the surrogacy story really interesting.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


Well, Piper said they used it, maybe Angus had one in his wallet or something? I still think it would be an interesting storyline. Honestly, given the stress Paige has been under since the Jack thing, she could've not noticed the early symptoms easily enough and if it has only been a month, it might even be a little bit early for her to notice.


They make the most sense, and should lead to interesting storylines if so. They did say they used protection, but protection can fail, and nothing is 100%, so it wouldn't be totally implausible for it to be Piper either. I don't know re: Sonya but it should all be interesting. I have wondered what if she did end up pregnant by him.

Or, in a weird coincidence, pregnant with one by Toadie and the implanted one by Mark?


Is that scientifically possible though?

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


I don't think it wouldn't be? Like they are um... created differently? So she could already be pregnant and implanted? I think it would be? I could be wrong, of course, but I can't see why it couldn't happen either.


I think I actually heard of a case where a woman got pregnant by two different men the normal way because she had sex with them close together.I'm not sure how long fertilisation takes but it is scientifically possible to get pregnant twice if there's a small time frame.After all, that's how non-identical twins happen, two sperms fertilising two eggs.

I'm quite happy to believe that Angus had protection on him, it's certainly more likely than if Jack did.I wouldn't say it's impossible for Piper to have something in her bag just in case either.

I suppose really left field would be Lauren or Terese...(Can you imagine the awkwardness if Lauren and Paige are pregnant at the same time?!)


That is scientifically possible, yes, and with IVF there are often multiples as well because more than one egg is implanted (aside, why do they say only one of Sonya's eggs when it's usually more?) but yes, it is. So I could see it, though I doubt it actually would, but it would just be an interesting angle.

I am too, but I still think it would be fun if she did get pregnant. I predicted it at the time, to be up front. But I do think Angus and possibly Piper (though I think he's more likely) used something, but still, not 100% so I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility even now. Though I do think Paige is incredibly likely to be one of them, just given how spontaneous things with Jack were.

Lauren could happen. I'd love Terese to be pregnant by Gary! Though not terribly likely. But it would be.

What if Xanthe and Ben end up having sex and it's her? Though I think she's the most out of left field given that she hasn't yet.

I mean, Brooke could be another vague possibility I suppose?


I guess Elly's an outside chance, since it's only a month or so since Ned left. Amy seems unlikely, I don't think she's been with anyone since Kyle, unless she's going to hook up with Leo in the next few weeks.


I'd love it to be Elly and that could be a fun storyline actually. Amy is, but they could pull a swifty and have her hooking up with him or even someone else offscreen.
