MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > HA! Paige! What a idiot!

HA! Paige! What a idiot!

I am glad that Paige lost out in her war on Jack.. or the church, whoever her real enemy was.. JACK!

(Haven't seen today's episode)

What a idiot. Paige has as much to do with Blaze as Jimmy or Karl does. Just because her father was one of the lease holders, it doesn't mean she has a right to control what goes on there or even bring a case to the council to get rid of the main reason why Blaze opened in the first place.

I am sure if Paige came across something else that blocked her family planning sessions other than the church or Jack, she would still fight to get what she wants. That's Paige, not matter how good or bad her want is, she will fight to get it because she always wants to win. But I think we can all agree that Paige's main motivation in fighting Jack was not the program, but getting at Jack.

I can't stand Brad, but I really hope he lets Paige have it. Brad has lost his project because of Paige being a brat about Jack. But I wouldn't be surprised if Jack still wanted to work with Brad there.

Although I am surprised that the council sided with the church, with all of Neighbours anti-church/religion stuff lately, I thought that they would ask the church to step away to prevent any 'offense' caused by having religion be apart of a community project.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Neither of them should of won, Paige was going the wrong way about it but she has a point if all the church's views and Jack looking down on situations is stopping the kids who need help getting that help. Sounds about right that the council just went with cheaper option for them rather than best option for the kids who need the place.

I'm so bored of the Jack and Paige situation I thought we were finally getting somewhere when they slept together but seems they have just started at the beginning again.


I think the council should have told Paige to back off, it's Brad's project helped by the church. That's not to say that Jack should stop programmes that help people because it goes against the church views, but Paige is clearly overstepping and she should just have been told that she has no say in what goes on at Blaze.

I hope more than ever that they don't get Jack and Paige together.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I know it far to simple of a solution but issues Jack not comfortable with he should just not be involved in and leave it to someone else

get in a train Counselor and the kids who come in can either request the Counselor or the priest (be some people who prefer a priest) or just talk to who ever available if they don't have preference

every kid comfortable and welcome everything be confidential so Jack just dose not have be involved in the areas he wishes not to be involved in

sure he talk with David about being gay proves at end of day Jack as a priest wants to help people through there issues no matter what they are and he could appreciate other people helping where he can't

but as i said far to easy and simple


I agree, Jack's job would put some people off, but that doesn't mean that Paige should have tried to force Jack and the church out of a programme that the council is only supporting because of the church.

If they had actually talked, or Paige waited until Brad returned they could have figured something out. If Jack didn't support Paige's programme, maybe he would have agreed for it to be held on a day he isn't there.. Or even advertised at Blaze, but held at the community centre.

Your failures are your own, old man!
