Not long now

My darling, darling one,
I'm alone in our room because you've just gone to the pub. How unusual. It's suddenly quiet for the first time in months, it feels like. Tomorrow I shall make my public promises to you, my darling, and we'll be joined together forever and ever and I can't wait. Did you know that when I see you unexpectedly, like around the corner or across the street, I get a little gasp and my knees go to water just for a tiny moment. But it's getting worse every day. What am I going to be like when we're 64? Your mum's calling me so I'll finish for now. Maybe I'll slip this under your pillow tomorrow after you leave for the wedding like the tooth fairy. All my love for all my life, my darling,
Forever Dee


I'm looking forward to this but also I'm a bit unsure Dee loved him so much and I feel the reason they give for her disappearing is going to be terrible or annoying like amnesia when we had that with Harold.
