Whenever I'm upset

I like to go and steal a van /ute too. It's a relief to know the Catholic church agrees that this is acceptable behaviour.

FFS! Jack is a douche. I hope he picks Simone and buggers off!


It's a joke. She's given him like eighteen chances. And then he asks her out for coffee the next day. And then he scowls at her.


Least she said she is genuinely over him now.


Oh she said that nine times before.


I guess, I'm trying to think positive.


I think Simone is so irritating. I got furious at her telling Paige to leave Jack alone, though, that was beyond everything.

I definitely would much rather he pick Paige over her though. Not even a question.

That is, of Simone and Paige I'd prefer him to pick Paige. I'm still pulling for the church over either of them, really, at this point.


either pick Simone and leave show with her

or pick Paige and two them go on like a 2 month holiday together maybe see Paige adoptive mother Mary

I think Simone maybe been rape by a priest given her nightmare

Jack betrayed Ari confidence didn't he? (and Mark bug it that seem be forgotten ) and Jack selpt with Paige love for Paige get her revenge and dob him in. Or for her accidentally let something slip to Simone and she dob hin in (more likely plot wise) and he get sack as priest would move things along plot wise. He get sack send Simone packing then he get with Paige and it finally over


This storyline is driving me in sane, he's a terrible priest he continues to play with Paige's feelings I hope she sticks by saying that's it this time. Then to blame Paige for Simone breaking the law was completely stupid esp when she has priors.


To be fair, it's not really playing with Paige's feelings as having them himself and feeling it's wrong. Yes, sleeping with her was wrong but at least it moved things forward a bit.

Agreed blaming Paige was stupid though. I think Jack has major blinders where Simone is concerned.


See this is why I'm not religious.


I was thinking that about Simone - also remember Nikki brought it up as a thing she didn't like priests for, maybe it was a kind of set up for this?

No, I don't think Jack did - I think he went right up to the line about Ari without crossing it. Sleeping with Paige is definitely the more 'wrong' thing with it all. I could see that, though at this point I'd rather it be Jack's choice to leave. Only because he could then throw it back that it wasn't his choice later and that's something I really don't want to see happen.


Yeah, he went to the line with Ari, but no rule break.

Allowing the church to be bugged, letting Ari nab the keys, and shagging Paige would be enough to get him sacked though.


He did. He was clearly uncomfortable with even what he did.

Well, he didn't know about the bugging, or the keys, though you'd think he would put them somewhere safer after it. Shagging Paige would be it though.

Like I said, though, if he decides not to and is pushed out, he might throw it in Paige's face that it wasn't his choice.

Oh now I just had an idea - maybe Paige ends up pregnant instead. I mean, it's not that likely they'd have had a condom...


No, but he is still responsible for the church and therefore the bugging and the keys. Not totally fair, but the way life works.

That's true and would piss me off.

THAT! makes complete sense and would be soooo much better. Ooh, ooh, oooh I want that now!!

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I can see it either way, honestly.

I just thought of it recently and seriously, no. Just no.

It would. I might have been off on the sister but I did predict a pregnancy at least, if one of them happens!


I blame Jack completely, coz he bugs me. Haha.

Yeah, good call.


But it's not something he might be actively blamed for in general?

Also I thought of how it could be done. Church person finds out (probably from Simone, grrrr), they tell him he either has to commit or leave, it's his choice but he still gets a verbal thrashing. So he can't throw it back in anyone's face if it was his decision if he leaves.

I feel like it's 'time' for a pregnancy story, somehow? I don't know why. I mean, other than the surrogacy.


I think in RL he would be responsible. Although, I would consider it an innocent mistake and careless in the case of the keys.

That would work for me too.

I do too, now you mention it, a happy one, (which could be the surrogacy), and a scandalous one too, (enter Jack and Paige).

Interesting how they had Paige and Piper having a lot of baby talk yesterday...I'm on tenterhooks.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Probably, yes, and I think that's where I am with him.

It could be interesting.

I think that's it, and it should be interesting if it happens.

I know! I was like, is this foreshadowing? It'll probably take a bit to happen I think.


I'd quite like a double pregnancy story too. I want Elly to have a baby soon too, though.

Haha, I guess I'm better at subtext/implicit meanings than I thought, (re Paige, Piper & the baby talk).

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I would really like that after her miscarrying after the snakebite. That was sad. Maybe whoever she gets with after Ned (or Ned if they bring him back) can be the dad.

Sometimes it's clear enough to see. I miss lots that others pick up on, I'm sure.


Me too. I really hope Ned becomes a regular.


I hope so too.

Prediction - whatever it is he's done will also be part of the cliffhanger.


I still think it's Jacka's Mum's house.


Oh I agree on that, but I feel like we might find out about it for sure then.


Do you think this money transfer stuff is paying off Jacka's Mum?

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I think it almost has to be, doesn't it?


I guess so, I really hope Ned comes back as a permanent resident.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I hope Ned does as well, and I think given the recent stuff with Maxine, there's no doubt it's what he did. Why else would Brad be making sure her rent is paid?


I'm so chuffed with myself for calling it, I never guess these things correctly.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


 Good for you!



🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷
