but I actually likes the dance down the aisle number. Made me smile and at least it was different. Paige is definitely preggers, the "I don't know why, but this weeding has made me really emotional" being a dead giveaway. Not sure who the other is though...thought was odds on Sonya.
I liked the dance but it was the weirdest wedding I've seen. Made me uncomfortable LOL
Brad and Lauren happy and celebrating about their second chance at love as if they were originally each others first true love and everyone was happy - including his son from his first marriage, the ex wife he cheated on (who had brought along her ex she'd be blaming for her son's death) and their daughter.
Then Paige pushed Piper toward a reunion with Tyler - who she's just been sleeping with
It was kind of odd in those ways but soaps do that. I always like to think of soaps taking place just to the left of our reality, it helps for most weirdnesses like this.
Well they were each other's second true love, I think. But yes, that was rather odd in places.
Paige was never into Tyler beyond as a rebound so that was a little understandable, plus trying to get into Piper's good books, I think.
But yes. Generally extremely forgiving.
I'm sort of hoping for Paul and Therese to work out. Mind you, next time she has a good scene with Gary, I'll think that about them too ξ
But then, that's kind of what a good love triangle is - you genuinely would like it to work out for either couple. I'd almost forgotten that that's how they're supposed to work.
Everyone saying all that lovey dovey stuff in front of Terese. - who was seemingly enjoying herself. - was just awful I think. And I'm annoyed at Piper for being so forgiving
I'm glad Amber, Mason and Bailey were uncomfortable not to come to the wedding. If they were supposedly each other's true loves then Terese and poor Matt were really just a second thought. - and Beth was his real true choice before they retconned it. Terese is very forgiving. Most women. - even though they'd suffered the loss of a child together. - wouldn't want to go near their cheating ex husband and the woman he left them for. - let alone to their wedding less than a year later
I'm sorry it's probably just me, but, I still - probably because of the way they got together. - have trouble with Brad and Lauren as a couple
It was a wedding, though, to be fair. I guess Piper and Paige had some offscreen conversation we didn't see, as well?
The thing is, the reason the kids didn't come is because the actors weren't available, because reality writes these plots, after all. It would be a bit weird if they all got food poisoning or something (though I'm sure shows have used that one before, too).
I do think it's possible to love someone differently, though. To have more than one love in your life. I don't think it makes them second thoughts at all. Though that's true about Beth, but well, retcons happen, it's a soap.
I do agree about Terese. I think part of it is that she feels guilty for working with Julie as well, so she blames herself in a different way, maybe, and she's able to put some things aside?
But to be fair, I never saw the cheating side of Brad and Lauren. I'm able to sort of judge them on who they are now, and on the vague memories of them in the past (when they looked totally different ξ), and it's very different having come in halfway through the storyline.
I can sort of judge Steph and Mark more evenly as I've seen their story as a couple from the start.
Yes, it's understandable that the actors wouldn't return but it was nice that they showed the characters were uneasy about the marriage
Brad and Lauren's relationship has always been about cheating though. The first time they got together (with head transplants LOL) he was engaged to Beth and cheated on Beth with her and then cheated on Terese with her so I have trouble liking this pairing
The irony is I like Brad and Lauren as individual characters but as a couple I'm having problems with them. They're on about the timing wasn't right the first time but the timing wasn't exactly right this time. He was married and - although she didn't cheat on poor Matt - it was obvious her heart was with Brad insteas of her husband
I like to think Amber would've come if not for Matilda being sick, though, I feel like that was genuine, though I'm sure Amber probably felt some relief as a character not to have to choose to go as well. It was nice to see not everyone on board, though, I sometimes think that that is generally overdone, or people do 'put things aside for the day' and sometimes it isn't all that realistic, so I do like that they used the reality situation to work that in.
Cheating does happen on soaps, so I'm a little more forgiving of the situation with Beth - also age, both of the characters and the show helps there, for me. Therese I can see having a problem with but she's got her own moments - not cheating but things like her hiding the fact she was with Paul make her seem manipulative, plus her fierce opposition to Tyler and Piper (which I do understand, don't get me wrong). I can't help wondering if that's a sort of writerly way to justify Brad/Lauren, thinking about it.
I see what you mean, though. I like them both and they do work together but yes, the timing is a bit suspect. I'm also wondering if Matt was killed off to give them an excuse to get together - though I hope it was the actor choosing to leave.
I do like when people want someone who might not be available to them - I really like Paul pining for Therese, though admittedly he does it in very entertaining Paul-like ways.
I thought it was lots of fun. I like when KG gets to show off his dance skills - also liked him doing that during their first dance. Paige is, and yes, the other is Sonya. Going to be very interesting.