MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > Would you care if your mayor was a surro...

Would you care if your mayor was a surrogate?

I don't even know who our mayor is, if we have one. Can't imagine I'd give a *beep* if she was a surrogate.


I wouldn't. Doesn't bother me in the slightest!


Same here. I wouldn't consider it a bad thing anyway.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I wouldn't care, that's the last thing to care about the mayor doing.

I am hoping the fuss that Neighbours is making with this is not because sonya is being a surrogate, rather Tim Collins, who owns the paper is trying anything to get Sonya to quit as mayor so he can take the role. Meaning he is trying to make the surrogacy a big issue and is getting his reporters to make a fuss. I hope we aren't going to see the community shocked and gossiping about something which is really a non-issue.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I hope and think so too. It's such a non-issue. Jack will get his knickers in a twist of course, as they're really pushing the Catholic thing.


But it won't turn out to be a non-issue of course... She will become emotionally invested in this child, might even relapse into addiction when she has to give it up.

Sonya's really not the type to give a child away (again).

And if she wants to play a part in the child's life, Toady has to come to terms with the fact that his wife made a child with another man. :-s

It's totally nuts. And that's why we can't just dismiss it as a non-issue. For anyone else it could be 'fine', but not for Sonya.


Now it is a issue. Before Sonya was just carrying a child that was not related to her in anyway.

Now she is the bio mother of the child, the whole thing has turned upside down.

But again, if she was my mayor and I had nothing at all to do with the situation, I am not sure if I would care that much. If however, after she gives birth and refuses to hand over the child or gets over involved or goes off the rails, then it would obviously bother me that the mayor is acting that away.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Hence why Sonya, being Mayor, should be more sensible. I think it's ridiculous that Sonya is Mayor in the first place though so I'll leave it at that.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


I guess it depends... where I live our Mayor is just a ceromonial role, and pretty sure most are. However in Beighbours world we're meant to believe that being Mayor is like being PM of Erinsborough where Sonya makes every political decision by herself so could be biting off more than she could chew. Whole surrogacy thing is stupid anyway.

On another note why can't Steph have kids herself? From what I recall it was only post natal depression from last time that she just didn't want too as opposed to a physical health issue... but doesn't that defeat the purpose still.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


I think it's partly her age, and it could be something to do with the chemo she mentioned as well? I do remember them saying something else, but I think it's a few things that make it not a great idea.


She definitely mentioned post natal depression when Mark first mentioned having kids, she actually mentioned it with both kids but there was never any PND with Charlie. I don't think the chemo would be an issue because she fell pregnant with Adam well after her cancer scare and I don't recall it being an issue then. She's not really old enough for it to be a risk because of age.

I'm surprised she passed the IVF interview in the first place really. She's been in prison, a mental institution, she's got two different children to two different men, neither of whom she has custody of it. She's also wanting to have a baby with a man she's been with like 6 months and not even co-inhabiting with. She should get a red X on every question. But like I said, this is Erinsborough after all.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


two failed marriages one of whitch was a sham


I definitely remember her saying that being off her meds would or could cause issues. Is Steph supposed to be in her forties like Carla in RL? Because I think even now 35+ is still a risk in pregnancy (I could be wrong).

That is a sruprise, now you mention it. But yes, it's Erinsborough.


She's 36 and 37 depending on your source.


Still (I think) possibly a bit risky age-wise, then. Sort of like Piper for the ages.


I agree 35 is the last age when age isn't a concern, even though one can have a healthy baby in their early 40s.


Yes, I was pretty sure of that. I think they call it a geriatric pregnancy over 35.


Yeah it is. I'm 98% sure 35 is the last year of non-geriatric.


It's insanity but totally legit for Neighbours.


I wouldn't care if the PM did it. Google Theresa May and you'll see how scary the thought of her procreating is, surrogacy is easier to handle than that!

Having said that the tabloids would have a field day with it.


The only reason I might hesitate at our mayor being one is that she's not exactly a spring chicken and older pregnancies can be difficult for various reasons. But if she was like Sonya's age? No problem whatsoever, I'd probably think it was a nice thing to do if anything.


No I wouldn't care one bit.
