MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > You top 30 Neighbours characters

You top 30 Neighbours characters

1) Helen Daniels
2)Madge Bishop
3)Todd Landers
4)Susan Kennedy
5)Lyn scully
6)Jim Robinson
7)Henry Ramsay
8)Pam Willis
9) Shane Ramsay
10)Scott Robinson
11)Karl Kennedy
12)Daphne Clarke
13)Dorothy Burke
14)Des Clarke
15)Doug Willis
16)Gaby Willis
17)Christina Robinson
18)Caroline Alessi
19)Eileen Clarke
20)Charlene Robinson
21) Mrs Mangel
22)Jane Harris
23)Julie Martin
24)Lucy Robinson
25)Max Hoyland
26)Summer Hoyland
27)Phil Martin
28) Hannah Martin
29) Harold Bishop
30)Lou Carpenter

You list?. You can make list less or more.


Not many "new" characters in there? :)
I like your list, Harold Bishop is much higher for me though. And I loved Julie Martin, Julie Mullins was so good in the role!


in no particular order

1) Paul Robison
2)Hilary Robison
3) Lucy Robison
4) Elle Robinson
5) Amy Williams
6) Susan Kennedy
7) Libby Kennedy
8) Izzy hoyland
9) Declan Napier (the first one in my mind recast didn't happen )
10) Sheila Canning
11) Naomi Canning
12) Xanthe Canning
13) Terese Willis
14) Piper Willis
15) Valda Sheergold
16) Lou Carpenter
17) Harold Bishope
18) Donna Freedman
19) Jade Mitchell
20) Stingray Timmins
21) Janae Timmins
22) Bree Timmins (is it bad if Dylan only one i don't include )
23) Darcy Tylor
24) Dee Bliss
25) Rosetta Cammeniti
26) Lyn Scully
27) Doug Willis
28) Sky mangle (was over her by the end)
really blanking on who else I'll get back to you


29)Janelle TTmmins (thought i had her)
30) Allen Stagiger


Becouse new characters are no where near as good as characters we had in past!.


No real order, but favourites towards the top

1) Rick Alessi
2) Darcy Tyler
3) Darren Stark
4) Harold Bishop
5) Tyler Brennan
6) Lou Carpenter
7) Izzy Hoyland
8) Karl Kennedy
9) Toadie Rebecchi
10) Mal Kennedy
11) Annelise Hartman
12) Phil Martin
13) Joe Scully
14) Steph Scully
15) Max Hoyland
16) Summer Hoyland (original)
17) Gary Canning
18) Sheila Canning
19) Doug Willis
20) Paul Robinson
21) Mason Turner
22) Callum Rebecchi
23) Brad Willis (Scott Michaelson)
24) Billy Kennedy
25) Connor O'Neill
26) Angie Rebecchi
27) Lucas Fitzgerald
28) Tad Reeves
29) Chris Pappas
30) Lance Wilkinson

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


Oh wow. Why Rick Alessi? I always liked him.


Darcy Tyler
Paul Robinson
Brad Willis (Scott Michealson)
Lou Carpenter
Piper Willis
Beth Brennan
Rhys Lawson
Bobby Hoyland (none main character)
Jim Robinson
Stingray Timmins
Robert Robinson (none main character)
Joe Mangel
Helen Daniels
Julie Martin
Sam Kratz
Janae Timmins
Sonya Rebbechi
Madge Bishop
Rebecca Napier
Annalise Hartman
Dylan Timmins
Sky Mangel
Summer Hoyland (Marisa Siketa)
Billy Kennedy
Lance Wilkinson
Connor o Neil
Joel Samuels
Stuart Parker
Zeke Kinski
Steph Scully


1) Paige Turner bahahaha Page turner, I mean Paige Smith
2) Mark Brennan
3) Sky Mangel
4) Boyd Hoyland
5) Flick Scully
6) Stu Parker
7) Paul Mclain
8) Elle Robinson
9)Rachel Kinski
10) Ty Hyper
11) Tash
12) andrew robinson
13) Jack Scully
14) Lori lee
15) Maddie lee
16) Jade
17) Marco
18) Izzy Holand
19) Max hoyland
20) Katya Kinski
21) CamRob
22) Tayla
23) Zeke Kinski
24) Billy Kennedy
25) Anne
26) Joel
27) Carmella
28) Tad Reeves
29) Scott Timmins
30) Hannah martin


1. Harold Bishop
2. Lou Carpenter
3. Joe Mangel
4. Madge Bishop
5. Nell Mangel
6. Bouncer
7. Lucy Robinson
8. Steph Scully
9. Mike Young
10. Charlene Robinson
11. Jane Harris
12. Scott Robinson
13. Henry Ramsay
14. Dee Bliss
15. Sky Mangel
16. Paul Robinson
17. Karl Kennedy
18. Doug Willis
19. Libby Kennedy
20. Drew Kirk
21. Jim Robinson
22. Anne Wilkinson
23. Toadfish Rebecchi
24. Shane Ramsay
25. Gail Robinson
26. Felicity Scully
27. Lyn Scully
28. Brad Willis
29. Izzy Hoyland
30. Philip Martin
