MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > It's actually getting uncomfortable for ...

It's actually getting uncomfortable for me to watch

So much tension, the walls are just dripping with it. The Dee stuff is just surreal for me at this point, the conversations they're having about it. DIDN'T really like the bit about her parents dying ten years ago in a car crash.


Your spoiler was so sad.

I think I know what you mean about the tension. I loved Steph's description of her, though, that was sweet - were she and Dee close? I would guess at least as close as she is with Sonya, if not more so?


from memory Dee and Steph pretty close Libby Drew Steph Dee Toadie Stuart Connor all pretty good friends I think back than charters seem to interact with each other more


The *one* thing I would have wanted is for Libby to have been around for this.


She might crop up for a cameo??

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I wish. So many reasons for Libby to be around: Ben, Xanthe, Karl and Susan, the school, Steph (!!!), Toadie.

This clip:

One reason it would be great if she came back. Libby was only just starting to come round at the time Steph went to prison.


Interesting shot of outside the Kennedy's, took me back to the days of Des.

Would be perfect for Libby to come back and shag Mark, if Steph has an affair.


I always wanted them to do another three hander - like the episode with Brad Lauren and Terese last year - where Libby comes back, and Steph's living on the street, and they're working through these old issues, and they decide to go off and see Steph's son Adam she had from the affair with Dan. And it's just the two of them seeing this kid, and with Steph she's being reunited with her son, and Libby's facing up to what happened in the past. They both have these two completely different very powerful reasons. If they couldn't get Dan back, they could have just used Lucas. Steph did see Adam last year, so they can't really do that now. Would have been awesome for the Libby/Steph fans.


That would be very cool.


I loved the way Steph talked about her.


I think so. Libby Dee and Steph were all good friends from memory. Steph was a bridesmaid at Dee's fateful wedding.

Just the last three episodes for me... I just feel sort of, tight under the collar, lots of heat in the room or something. Tonight for example, you've got Piper shouting at Brad and Terese and fighting with them about Tyler, and then she brings up the whole thing with Russell beating Tyler, which is something else *again*. And just seeing actual conversations about Dee, between Toadie and Sonya, meanwhile there's Steph looking over at Sonya and Mark talking to each other and getting all insecure. Ahhh!!!

I honestly nearly *panicked* when the stream cut out on me.


Oh, I see!

There has been a lot happening, yes.

I actually think it's really interesting with that coming up with Tyler. I'm pretty sure Brad did trigger something, unfortunately. I am wondering why he's quite so aggro about it, to be honest. I mean, I know he doesn't approve, but neither does Therese and she hasn't got physical about it. I'm wondering if there's a bit more to that.

I loved the conversations about Dee a lot.


I reaaally have to wonder how they're going to handle the Russell storyline now. It'd be so sad if he died after what happened :(


I honestly feel like if it's going to be such a big deal, recasting might be the only way to do it justice. It's not my favourite option, but sometimes it has to be done. I know it would be difficult, but I feel like with something like this, it's really the only way to make it work.


I'm very sorry about it but I wouldn't mind a recast if it meant developing the storyline


That is honestly where I am. I know I'm a little bit more objective as I never saw Russell originally, but I think it would still feel sad even so, but sometimes, recasting for a big storyline is the only way to make it work, too. This feels like it could be one of those cases.


You're probably noticing at the moment how it feels like Russell's going to come back and they're leading up to another storyline. That's because they were, from what Travis Burns said in an interview. I wonder how it will end up then. They could recast. Either way, it's going to be weird.


Very much noticing it, especially with the mention last night. I have no idea. Recasting honestly feels like the least weird option if they really want to go on with it, even though it'll probably be difficult. But no matter what they do it'll be difficult on some level.
