MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > Carrying on from 2016..

Carrying on from 2016..

I hope they start some new storylines soon.

So the titles show Paige and Jack together and in front of the church showing that the whole mess is carrying on. Obviously with the baby that will add more to their storyline, but it really needs to end, it's gone on far too long. Keep Jack in the church and get rid of Paige.

The new credits don't look good at all. They need to have them in natural settings not in front of a green screen, that will also stop people from losing their arms (Mark)!

Glad that the scene before the credits has gone though, that was annoying.

So... I can't remember, did David get a job at the hospital? Because seeing patients in his hotel room surely can't be right.

More Piper being a brat, more Terese shouting. Tyler and Piper are neighbours and clearly want to be together, they keep sneaking around, so obviously Terese shouting all the time is doing no good and it will be impossible to keep them away from each other, also like Brad said, Tyler made his way around the sisters, how can Brad and Terese be happy with that?

I like Mark and Steph together, so I am glad she didn't have a total freakout about the baby. But there will no doubt be baby drama in the future, maybe even an affair with Mark and Sonya getting closer, Steph feeling pushes out and Toadie distracted with Dee.. or the baby could even be Toadies.

Did we have scenes in the past with Paige and David and Leo? Or is this a odd scene with them just throwing her in with other characters.

I hope we aren't going to see Toadie try and tell Sonya (or Steph) about Dee but something always getting in the way.

How long until Dee arrives? Flashbacks are fine, but bring on Dee!

Your failures are your own, old man!


Yes, David got a job at the hospital.I seem to remember his first scenes were with Paige, when her boxing opponent got injured and she ran into him at the hospital, so nice to see that one revisited.

I'd like to say that Brad and Terese saying no to Piper dating Tyler isn't going to work but somehow it did last time.They seem more determined this time though, even if Mark's being a stick-in-the-mud.I don't think Piper was a brat at all, she was trying to have an intelligent conversation while Brad and Terese were being absurdly dogmatic as usual.

I think Mark and Steph are doomed frankly.She obviously doesn't want this baby and is only going along with it to keep Mark happy, he's being woefully naïve and ignoring the obvious because he doesn't want to burst the bubble.


My problem with Piper is that she quickly starts shouting, keeps mentioning her age and then runs out.

Yeah, I think they are setting Mark and Steph up to fail, which is a shame as I like them together.

Your failures are your own, old man!


It seems like everyone else mentions Piper's age more than she does.And Terese was the one that stormed out of their "discussion".She did walk out on Brad but only after he'd made it clear he wasn't going to listen whatever she said.


I adore Piper, she can do no wrong for me. Tyler moving around the sisters is a very valid point though.

Yeah, that is a shame. I'd gotten to really like the pairing.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


She's one of the best things about the show. They were saying the other day how Xanthe could be the next Margot Robbie. Omg, first the Logies, now this. Don't get me wrong, she's cool too, but WHY AREN'T THEY NOTICING MAVOURNEE!!!!!


Feck knows. She's bloody brilliant. Lilly Van De Meer is good, but not in the same stratosphere as Mavournee.


Mavournee's like the next Kate Winslet. How can they get it so wrong?


Exactly. How are they all so blind.LVDM could be the next hot chick movie starlet, but MH has depth and substance.


I could see Lilly doing a more Margot like thing, in a good way, whereas Mavournee's really different in a good way. The Logies annoy me (even though I did vote). Sometimes on these shows good performers get totally overlooked, and I don't know why. Then again there are a couple of actors (from movies) I'd have thought would be the next Robert Redford career wise and they never did live up to that unfortunately. I really hope Mavournee isn't like that, though.


Me too, she's just an awesome talent and beautiful.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


She is. I could see her even in a career like Isla Fisher or Amy Adams.


I think Piper can sometimes take the immature route - which makes sense, she's not perfectly mature all the time any more than any of us are. Plus I think characters I can't sometimes get annoyed at are boring, but that's just me.

I am annoyed about that.


I agree, she's 17 - she will make mistakes but no more than the rest of the street do. Plus she shows wisdom above and beyond them at times.

It is realistic though, even if Brad and Terese are behaving like the most deluded parents ever - I guess some parents are like that.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


We all made mistakes at 17 that we look back on in a few years and go why about - or at least most of us do. She does show a lot of wisdom and strength thouh.

It is, and yes, some parents can be like that. They're a bit annoying in it. Thank god Lauren is being sensible - also has some nice tension with Therese in that, I think.


I kept on making mistakes all the way through my 20s, they were fun to make but I'm beginning to pay the price now.

It's just annoying to watch such destructive parenting. It's the realism of it that makes it so hard to watch, for me. Plus Brad is such an arrogant, delusional, hypocrite! Yes, thank god for Lauren AND Paige.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I still feel like I'm 19 now. How come everyone's having kids and getting married? Ahh!!


I certainly don't feel 33, more 23. I think having kids makes you feel more grown up. I hope I don't stay this delusional for ever.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Yeah, that sounds about the same as me. I just wish I had more money at the moment to get a place etc.


Aww mate, I feel for ya.

To bring it back on thread. Piper has more together than me,at 33, and than Paige or Brad. Therese has it together work wise, but is an 'alcoholic' criminal. So really is in no place to preach.

Does Brad have a criminal record?


If I'm not correct, I think Brad was actually in prison for something before he ever came onto the show in the 90s, and it was overseas.


No way. Makes sense, I suppose, he was a bit of a punk.


I think it happens to most of us.

Yes, but like you say, it is realistic too. But it is hard. I feel like shaking Brad when he gets like that, but other times, like when he's reconnecting with Ned, I like him. It's very weird. Yes, Lauren and Paige seem much more okay with it.


In this sense, Brad's still really the same gormless guy played by Scott Michaelson in the 90s. But if it was Scott playing it, it would be funny.


Yeah. That's true.

Brad wasn't citizen of the year or owt then, he was a bit of comic relief. Not the hero he is made out to be now


Not so much with Leo, but Paige and David connected quite early on in a friendship way - before he turned out to be gay, I was even thinking he might be a possibility other than Jack for her. Leo was new, but she did already know David fairly well, so I think it was more adding Leo to the already established friendship (also I thought the lines thing was super cute).

I think, given one of the previews, Sonya finds out about the investigation and asks Toadie, so that is likely how she'll find out.

Also wow Toadie looked different ten years ago. I know, time passes, but he almost looks like a completely different person.


I remember really noticing that the first time I went back and watched these clips. He had a real transformation over the years. One of my earliest memories of the Toad is when they got rid of his mullet.


He really did - I remember him looking like that or close to it when he came in of course, but with the break it didn't feel like such a transformation for some reason.


More comparisons to Meat Loaf for me lol. Meat got rid of his long hair in the 90s and he's lost weight too. Ellen Foley and Karla are like Dee and Sonya. "Bat out of Hell" is like the car going over the cliff.


I'm not looking forward to more Jack and Paige although I'm opposite to you and would keep Paige, the Jack character is really poor, I hate the way he's up and down with Paige and have a bad feeling we are going to get more of the same when he finds out she's pregnant and he has to choose his child or the church.

The Piper/Tyler storyline is another boring one, no wonder Piper is acting like a child at times with the way Terese and Brad go on they were even worse, they could of made a effort at the dinner. Only Lauren tried to meet them half way. Brad going for Tyler was terrible he knows what he went through with his dad and Aaron should of been more annoyed about it.

I'm unsure about Mark and Steph they spend far to much time arguing and seem destined to split esp with Mark already putting Sonya first.


I know it hasn't been back long, but I am pretty bored with the show. The Dee storyline is good, but they need to move forward and cut down on the flashbacks.

In the end, I don't care if Piper and Tyler are together or not, just wish it was all done with.

Mark and Steph are not going to last which is a shame, as they are 2 characters and a couple I like. I just hope it doesn't end with an affair, but I think it probably will.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I agree I'm really struggling to watch at the minute find myself putting it on while doing something else and only half watching.

Defo needs to move on with Dee part.
All the storylines at the moment seem to just keep going round in a circle.


Needs new storylines, a fresh start. Too many things are just dragging on.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Maybe a new Series Producer/Executive Producer is what is needed.


It needs something new. It's not that all the storylines are bad, its just that they go on for too long. They need to freshen it up a bit.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Unfortunately, I think that's the failing of soaps in general - they always drag things out for too long, because they always have, and I bet there were people complaining about it when it was Scott and Charlene just as much as they are when it is Piper and Tyler (not that they will necessarily be as iconic, just comparing couple storylines there). I honestly feel like the best couple storyline right now is Paul and Therese - they have dragged it on but they have kept it interesting while dragging it on and most of the drama hasn't been to do with them as a couple - which may be why it's been interesting now I think about it. But yeah, that is totally the nature of soaps.


Surprisingly for me, they've actually been breezing through a couple things this year, like they've taken this on board. Toadie told Sonya about Dee straight away. There was something else too, but I don't remember. Usually they would have waited longer. And Dee's come back like two weeks after they first found out, although *in that case* I actually would have loved if they'd dragged it, because of the suspense. I LOVED last week how it made me feel so on edge and uncomfortable. WHEN does "Neighbours" do that?


I know! It's going really well. I wouldn't have minded, but then I bet there would've been complaints if they left it longer (not necessarily from you - maybe from me, even!). Not often enough.


Agree. I'd have been winging because I'm impatient and hate too much suspense. 2 week was the right amount for me personally.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Yes, definitely for me as well.


Waiting for the followup conversation with Dee for me at this point is pretty much the worst suspense I've ever felt over this show. The show feels like it's in a good place again for me. I felt that way in 2014, and then they blew it with the 30th and 2016 sort of improved from that, but in other ways got worse. The other thing is... They've really opened up the show now! It used to feel claustrophobic with the well showing up every other day after a massive cliffhanger. Now it's like spread wide open and Xanthe's talking to someone at school who probably just would have been an extra with no lines in 2015. It's pretty cool!


Maybe they really are listening to complaints? It honestly feels like that. The Asian girl? That was a fun scene.


I was feeling that towards the end of last week. I'm back in to it now. Yes - Dee stuff needs to hurry up a bit.

I get that, just to stop Brad and Therese being douches. I hope they do stay together though.

It's a sucky way for it to end. I bet Mark ends up with Elly, which will really anger Ned.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


It does a little bit. Though now she's back (I really do think it's her, not someone else).

I hope Piper and Tyler stay together or if they break up, in several months/a year and it's about them, not about the age thing. I mean, it is a soap, there's not a huge chance they'll be together forever, so I'm being as realistic as I can. Wouldn't at all mind if they did though.

It is, yes. Oddly, if it was just a case of Mark and Elly getting together, with proper break-ups before - it's not like Ned is likely to stick around after all if he's not on contract and they could break Mark and Steph up relatively naturally even now, I think I would like it a lot. I do think Mark and Elly have chemistry and wouldn't mind them being a future couple, but I just hope it's in a good way. He's kind of like he was with Paige with her, I think, only it isn't romantic (yet?).


I'm okay with Jack and Paige if they make up their mind one way or the other soon - the way I look at it is, they're not going to be able to keep it up longer than 8 or so months because surely if she carries the baby to term, the decision will be made by then at the latest. I don't mind Jack but I want to see him as more than a priest, and I like Paige a lot.

I don't find Piper/Tyler boring so much as rehashing over and over. I agree about Therese and Brad and love that Lauren is at least trying to meet them halfway. Did Brad know, though? The way Piper said it after Brad went to hit him, I thought she was telling him something he didn't know already? It was bad, nevertheless and I just tell myself that Tyler may be of age but Aaron was more worried about where he was than the other thing in that moment.

I am unsure about Mark and Steph and I don't want to be. I want them to work through things, but not all couples can, I know. Still. It will be sad if they can't.


Brad was in the show when his dad was in it and all live in same street and seem know everyone business so yeah I'm going guess Brad knew


Except Brad has zero clue about what's going on with his own kids 90% of the time...

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


seeing as the actor is now dead it could be interesting to give Russell Brennan a death off screen seeing as none brother made peace with him and and Sheila past relationship it could be a good stoyline but is that in bad taste?

I always hope for a return as a reformed character and long lasting relationship for Sheila really enjoyed him on the show


Yeah it's a shame, Travis Burns stated they'd planned for Russell Kiefer to return for a 5 month stint this year until his untimely passing, hopefully they reference him at one point, but yeah I too was hoping for a redemption story-line and for him to make amends with his sons.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


That's really sad. I would have loved to see it. I think doing a recast would be disrespectful, but Sheila and the boys could go to Russell and have the redemption off-screen.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I don't know about disrespectful - recasts happen for this reason all the time, even if it does feel very soon for it. But I admit I'm able to be more objective as I never saw the original actor as well.


I don't think it's bad taste - I think it's an honourable thing to do.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


It just feels eerie this time for me because the actor died. But I'm sure that's happened before. I don't know. On "Bold and the Beautiful", the actress playing Sally Spectra passed away in 2007 and then they just had it so that Sally retired and moved to an island somewhere where she was partying with all these men, which feels like a cool nod to the actress.


I'm sure it has - that Spartacus show had it happen, I remember reading about that and there are surely others as well, though I can't think of any off the top of my head.

I loved that with Sally, though. I love that Sally is still out there even though her lovely actress is no longer with us.

ETA of course! Dumbledore in Harry Potter! I thought that worked well, actually.

There was also one that Heath Ledger was working on and a few actors took on the role, I think Jude Law and Johnny Depp and someone else?

There's also a Wikipedia page about actors who died during production of TV shows, I could quote it all but I'll just add the link - though of course that was what they did with the Doctor Who character.


Haha, or even with himself. Goddam eejit, that he is!

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Not necessarily - does everyone who wasn't directly involved know Cooper's mum hit him from the storyline last year? It could be like that.


not saying your wrong but in Russel case he lived on the street so did Brad he would notice Russel had moved away fact Tyler was saying with Karl and Susan and other things like that

in cooper mum case she lived else where and only really had anything do with Karl


That's true, and I never saw the storyline, so I'm sure I could get things wrong.

It could be as simple as Brad's temper was too hot for him to think, or the writers forgot he knew (that one? I would totally believe).


Totally agree, Jack does my nut in BIG TIME!!

I agree, although I'm not 100% bored - just about 75%. Piper does act her age at times - but I am still on her side.

Sad but true, I did grow to like them. I blame Steph more than Mark, though. Mark and Sonya have always been very close BFFs, as Steph & Toadie once were.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


I don't know what to think of the surrogacy story. It feels slightly rushed :-) "I'm ovulating, it's now or never" (really??)
I don't mind the story line as such, just the way it was rushed (so that the surrogacy, Dee's return and the inevitable break up of Mark and Steph can all unfold at the same time).

That being said, it's an eventful story line and one I do enjoy, despite the fact that I find it frustrating.

What I don't enjoy is Jack and Paige. If Jack God-fearingly folds his tinly little hands one more time... UUUURRRGH!!
I hope Paige keeps him out of the baby's life. He's a hypocrite and not a very good roll model. I can see Paige and Marc together again, especially since I think Sonia will miscarry. Mark's child will not be born, there's just no way to juggle that many infants in one show. But after miscarrying, Dee's return etc... I can see Sonia going over to that dark place no one has ever seen yet.

Oh, and the new credits creep the hell out of me!!


All rushed to cause problems at the same time.

Would Sonya really be having all those symptoms so soon in her pregnancy? I know everyone is different, Paige is months ahead of Sonya and has no obvious symptoms, but Sonya was only a couple of weeks gone.

I really want Mark and Steph to stay together, but that wont be happening. They are setting up Steph and Josie's mum getting close, Mark is focused on Sonya and they already have a close relationship and they have brought back Toadie's ex wife!

I like Jack, I hate Paige, but what I hate more is how much they are dragging on this storyline. Why couldn't they have dropped it already? Why add a baby?!

The new credits are rubbish.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I've known a few people who've had babies and it really is that diverse from a small sample size. But yes, it's more than possible.

I don't know, things could go either way in that.

Because they want to keep them together but apart? I just got this vibe last year that a baby was going to happen other than the surrogacy for some reason - I've no idea why. Thought it might be Piper, but when Jack and Paige had sex, I was almost sure that they'd have those two - after all, Jack and Paige didn't use any protection at the time. So maybe they decided to do it back then, even?
