Evil guest characters

As we know Neighbours like to bring in guest baddies to cause trouble, while the Ramsay Street residents are saint like beings, who if they do get into trouble get out of it without punishment because they "didn't have a choice", but guest characters will be punished and hated forever. If you aren't living in Ramsay Street, chances are you are evil.

To me, it's gotten past the point of ridiculousness where the guest character 'did it' and is evil with a mission to cause trouble for the good Ramsay Street residents.

Of course for a dramatic soap story, a baddie can be needed, but I think they do go over the top with the number of good vs bad, resident vs guest thing.

So I have decided to make a list of named guest characters and whether their intentions are bad, just to really see how many guest characters are evil.

Of course there are a lot of past baddies, but as there are so many I have decided to focus on from today onwards. But feel free to add a list of past guest baddies.

The only rule is that the character has to be out to cause trouble, not characters like the twin's father who seems to be ill.


Baddies from 2017

Kev McNally (Gary's dodgy mate)
Jasmine Udagawa


-Past baddies- (Thank you drproject-57731, KoalaPig, bennmatt, gezzymac80 and Scooby52)


Dennis Dimato
Julie Quill
Clive West
Ezra Hanley
Nick Petrides
Dave (Fake Walter)
Stephen Montague
Victor Cleary
Joey Dimato
Forrest Jones
Ryan Prescott
Maureen Knights


Shay Daeng
Nurse Eve Fisher

-Redeemed baddies-

Tom Quill

-Baddies who are victims too-

Cooper Knights

-Teen villains-

Archie Quill
Alison Gore
Jayden Warley

-Family baddies-

Russell Brennan
Gemma Reeves

-Mentally ill baddies-


-Evil exes-


-Baddies that don't fit above-

Erin Rogers

-Further back in history-

Derek Morris
Russell Butler
Charlotte Stone
Terrence Chesterton

Your failures are your own, old man!


top of ny head form this year

Brooke (it seems)

that blond chick who testified agenist Paul

Nurse Eve Fisher
Julie Quill


snake guy but his ill i guess


Thanks, I have edited them in.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Blonde chick was something's. St Claire, snake dude was Ari.

In fairness there's a limit to how much bad a regular can do, without long stints off the show for prison sentences.

I think Paul and Steph are at their limit now.

Ned appears to be another of that ilk.

Regan and her mate can go on the list too.


Elle and Andrew Robison Darcy Taylor Izzy Hoyland and Toadie weird cousin Charlotte (fake doctor going back while) Terase brother Nick can go on past badies list

elly can kind of as well. and Max wife tho don't think she trying be bad just over protective of Charlie



Hard to judge with her, she was a baddie to oppose Steph, but she did come around very easily in the end. I would put her as a baddie though because by keeping Charlie for herself, she is hurting Steph.

Your failures are your own, old man!


True, they can't have regular characters do too much too often, but it does become really frustrating when the regular characters do do something they should be punished for, but aren't. While the guest characters are viewed as evil by the Ramsay Street residents, even if what they have done is far less worse than what the regular characters have done.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Yeah, fair point.

Leo might be our new resident bad boy.


Tom Quill was kind of a villain with computer hacking and blackmail of Xanthe and Ben

Ezra who assaulted Terese and his son's gf

Liam, Amy's ex husband.

Ryan (I think his nane was) who put the hidden cameras at Lassiters (was that story ever resolved?)

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I was debating about Tom Quill because he did do bad stuff, but then they tried to redeem him.

Completely forgot about Ezra, didn't his son also cause trouble?

I think the ending was Terese panicking about dealing with the fallout and Xanthe's attack being filmed on them. But you would have thought that Ryan would have gotten the camera's back at some point. What was his reason for keeping them there and didn't he have a few in different rooms?

Your failures are your own, old man!


Regan friend was bree


Did Bree do anything evil? I don't recall her doing more than talking about how Regan wouldn't be happy to Ned and that wasn't a threat or anything.


She was ranty to Elly at the funeral. More generally negative than a baddie, I suppose.


That's true, though I think I was thinking that was more emotions on a bad day - funerals in RL are always such messes of days even if it's not something weird like that that I didn't think twice about it.


You're right, Bree hasn't done enough to be considered a baddie, even though she might be as she is apart of a gang, she didn't do anything bad on screen.

Your failures are your own, old man!


There was also Derek Morris from 1987 and 1988 who was a journalist that wanted to dig up dirt on Paul's failed marriage to Terry and appeared again a year later, temporarily running Lassiter's until his dodgy past caught up with him. I can't really remember the full details on the latter storyline though.

Also there was Russell Butler in 1993 who lodged at Stephen and Phoebe's house who didn't pay his rent and refused to leave when Stephen told him to and make both their lives hell, even coming onto Phoebe! It later turned out that he'd been in a relationship with a girl and they had a child together who died and that was the given reason for his erratic behaviour.


As I recall, Derek turned out to be secretly working for Lassiters' rival and was actually sabotaging the business.


how did we all forget Tim Collins


Tim Collins! He was better in the past, no so much in the last few appearances he made.

Your failures are your own, old man!




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I don't see Tim Collins as a villain as such, he's an antagonist at times who is no doubt a bit slimey and very arrogant, but I don't think he's done anything all that villainous in all his guest stints over the years.

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Don't think I watched back then originally, but I do remember seeing Stephen and Phoebe, but those were probably repeats. Shame they don't repeat from the start any more.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Walter, the first one and Sonya's actual Walter/Dad.

I dunno if they get a pass due to illness, etc?

Mr. Brennan too. Although, I liked him - he was still the bad guy.

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The first Walter, yes. Not sure about the actual Walter though, he was a desperate man, I am not sure if I would class him as a villain.

I forgot the sister, I'll add her now. But I wasn't sure about Archie or any other teen 'villain', are we classing teenage brats as villains?

Your failures are your own, old man!


Fair enough, that's why I asked if he got a pass. I agree he had extenuating circumstances, although he was a sh**.

Archie bullied Charlie and Jimmy, so I'd say that's villainous behaviour.

Your thread, your call though.

Cooper and the girl bully from school too/Ben's sorta kinda ex. They were brought on just to cause trouble.


My opinion is brats get a pass, bullies don't...That's just my opinion though.


Tom Quill is a hard one...His sister was defo a sly bitch, though. His little brother was a snot-nosed wank stain too.

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Belinda. Not a baddie as such, but defo a character brought on to be a trouble causer...what do you think?

Toadie's emaciated cousin who tried to get nobbed by Bailey?


Tom sister Shay villan

Alison Gore (ben ex) and her mum

Gemma Reids is Toadie cousin who lead Baily on

Kyle mum Sharron not sure if she counts

and I know she was never made to be a vilain but Amber cheats on Josh with Daniel leads both boys on for while gets pregnant to Josh lies about who baby it is leads Josh on for bit more has the baby makes Josh feel like terrible father who can't be trusted instead offending support helping him during his stuggle lern be a dad then takes a job in a different state declaring she leaving with out discussing it with Josh first and tells him his not along move with them to be near his own daughter leaving for months till Josh basically had beg and ask her permission if was ok for him to move near his yet only for Josh to be involved in an accident and die one that he would not of been in if she let him live near his own child from the start. Arguably she done lot worst than most people on the list.
all i can say is have fun explaining that to Matilda when she older


fake Walter name was Dave


Not sure about Sharon, she was trying to cheat with Matt, but villain behaviour?

What did Alison do? Was she the one that refused to tell the truth about Cooper's mother hitting him?

Gemma will be added to the list. I've also added a couple more.

The list is for guest characters, to see how many guests characters they bring in just to cause trouble for the main characters. But I would say that each of Amber, Josh and Daniel did things that would be considered bad, but I think Josh with his obsession was the worst.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Yeah, Amber was awful when you think about it. I remember being annoyed at the time, but have never realised just how disgraceful she was.


Oh come on, we're not seriously going to call Amber a "villain", are we?Just because some people didn't like her.For a start, part of the point of the thread is that regulars do a lot worse than the "evil" characters.And in my opinion there are dozens of current and recent characters who did worse than Amber, "poor" Josh (drug dealer, coward puncher) among them.


Agreed, on brats and bullies.

I didn't like Belinda and I thought that she overstepped the mark with her being Steph's nurse.. But I am not sure if she is a complete baddie. May need others thoughts on that.

Gemma Reeves, completely forgot about her.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Other's thoughts on Belinda will be interesting. She definitely isn't a straight forward case and point.

My closing argument is...although not a bad baddie, she was definitely wheeled in as a scapegoat for mischief.


ah yes for guests i knew that sorry couldn't help getting dig in at Amber

Alison has builled Piper a lot and she lied and manipulatied Xanthe Ben situation ssying Ben song was written for her

Kathy Carpenter with whole adopting Paige out and telling Lauren she died

Leo not exactly a saint so far tho have feeling he be regular before long

how far back can we go?

Troy Callum real dad

Gus (real father of Izzy baby that she tried pass off as Karl)


Some more potentials from the past few years,

the lady that was stalking Sonya because she blamed her for getting her hooked on drugs and having her daughter taken away.

Dani the mechanic's ex boyfriend, another stalker

Victor Cleary who assassinated Kate

Dimato's nephew, the one with the greasy black hair

The guy that got Josh involved in selling Peptides

You can also add Jayden to school bullies

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


Well if we include Cooper we certainly have to include his mum, Doctor Knights.


Thanks for all the replies/help. I got a lot more than I thought I would.

I'll have to edit names in later as I am a little busy with studying.

I think lines are getting a bit blurred when it comes to who fits in as being a guest villain and that's fair, as everyone has different opinions on what is a villain. So maybe extra categories?

Criminals (those that broke the law)
Opponents (those brought in to be a obstacle to someone else, like Phillipa against Steph)*
Redeemed baddies (characters that did bad things, but were rewritten as nice-ish or redeemed before they left, Tom Quill?)
Baddies with a secret (baddies that were revealed to be victims themselves? Cooper Knights)
Teen bullies (the Archie Quills)
Older baddies (2010 and earlier)
Family baddies (baddies related to the main characters who were guests)
Mentally ill baddies (ill characters who have done something illegal)
Evil exes (That's any ex, no matter their level of badness)

*I know that all baddies are opponents, that's there reason for being, but this category is more for the ones like Phillipa, problem makers.

Also as this list is about guest baddies being evil and main character bad guys being saints. How about a list of bad main characters and whether they got away with their crimes or were punished for it?

Your failures are your own, old man!


Another guest, another baddie. This time Ryder.

Elly's ex is due to come in soon and is also a baddie

Next year if I keep this up I may count how many guest characters in total there are, as well as how many are baddies, so the list can give us a good idea of how many evils come in.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I think Ryder was brought in as a baddie, no nuance to him at all. I don't think they are quite the same as an evil guest like Julie?


I was surprised to see so little of Angus being drugged, so it does seem like Ryder was nothing more than a tool to get Angus drugged for Elly to rescue him.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Forgot about this thread until Jasmine Udagawa turned up yesterday.

Another guest baddie, another Lassiter's boss baddie.

I imagine with James Udagawa's sad story about him not being seen a full Udagawa and his sister trying to push him out, him and Terese will team together to get rid of Jasmie. But the question is, what trouble will Jasmine cause until that happens?

Your failures are your own, old man!


Actually, I imagine James will get shipped off to Switzerland and never seen again.

Not sure about Jasmine.James gave her a pretty poor character assessment but in turns of what we've actually seen she doesn't seem to have done anything particularly villainous.


Even though James has only been in the show for a handful of episodes, it would be a sad end for him if that is it.

I know Jasmine hasn't done anything yet, but her attitude seemed to suggest that Neighbours is planning something.

Your failures are your own, old man!
