MovieChat Forums > Neighbours (1985) Discussion > Sonia's and Mark's baby

Sonia's and Mark's baby

It's a terrible thing to say, but I hope the child is never born. I really don't want Sonia and Toady raising Mark's kid. It would be weird!! It's Mark child, he has a claim to it. Clearly, Steph is not planning on bonding with it... Either he becomes a single father and takes off with the kid, or Sonia miscarries. I'm already over this story line.

If I were Toady, I would have said "nope, too complicated".


I thought that was disgusting of Sonya. Yes, biologically she is the mother. But Mark is the father and she agreed to hand the baby over to Mark and not give up her parental rights to the baby.

She pushed Mark and Steph into the surrogacy and now wants to keep the baby. Horrible behaviour.

I don't want Mark and Steph to split (although I wouldn't mind Steph and Josie's mum being together if it isn't just a short term thing to cause problems for Steph and Mark), but if they do, Mark can be a single father to his child. Many people do it. Sonya has no right to judge whether Mark can raise his child alone, especially after Sonya abandoned her own son.

Toadie needs to put his foot down. Sonya wanted to do this, Mark was excited for a child and Sonya easily talked him into it. Steph felt guilty but eventually spoke her mind, Toadie clearly didn't want this to happen. Sonya needs to follow through on her promise.

Your failures are your own, old man!


Yep, you're right. But bottom line is, she shouldn't have pushed a brand new couple (together less than a year) into having a baby.

As for Steph and Mark, I don't think they're a good fit. I can only see Steph with a woman, she's the perfect lesbian. It makes sense on many levels and I wish they had just kept Steph gay in stead of bi-confused.

Sonia's behavior is appalling, but I'm quite sure this baby will never be born.


Steph is bisexual, not lesbian. She's said that, she identifies that way, and that means she is completely capable of having a long term, committed relationship with one person of either gender. She's not gay, there is just the potential either way and of course the confusion is a woman - they couldn't possibly have a bi person confused by another person of the opposite gender, which would be possible in real life.

(all annoyance at the writers, not you, in case that is a little harshly put)


Yeah I agree with you, my frustration with Steph's bisexuality (which is indeed what she is) is also more directed to the writers than to people's view on it. It does happen that people, later in life, realize they're gay. I would have preferred that for Steph. Let her just be gay and than the whole surrogacy story line still would have been a possibility. Just without throwing Mark in the mix. As if his character hasn't been burned enough over the years.

And we've had gay men, just not gay women... It would have been good...


I prefer Steph to be bi as there are very few bi characters on tv. Characters either come in as gay or come out as gay months later.

The longer term characters that question their sexuality after having relationships with the opposite sex quickly bypass bisexuality and come out as gay. There needs to be bisexual characters as much as there needs to be gay and straight.

Your failures are your own, old man!


True, most characters are straight or gay, not bi. At this point in Steph's life, I would prefer to see her with a woman for a while. Belinda hardly counts... For us viewers, that part of Steph is still unknown.


I never liked Belinda and I thought she overstepped the mark by dating a vulnerable patient of hers, especially when she tried to get her out of Ramsay St by using her illness against her, just so Belinda could have a relationship with her. It was all very off.

I do like Victoria and she and Steph have had good scenes, I just prefer Steph and Mark and want to see them as a family, with kids.

Your failures are your own, old man!


I just have to ask: what is a perfect lesbian? In my opinion either you are lesbian or you're not, there are no degrees of perfectness when it comes to sexuality. Just my thoughts


I totally agree.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷


Steph should have listened to Paul!
He may have some screwed up morals but he'd been around a while and knew how this would turn out


I think it is up to Mark, and Sonya should allow him to raise it alone. Steph is completely out of order, she should never have agreed to it in the first place.

🐨Have you ever?...Ever felt like this?🐷
