Does anyone else remember the "Mr. Belvedere Fan Club" sketch that aired on SNL sometime in the 80s? It was during a Tom Hanks episode, and I've only seen it once, but I remember it being HILARIOUS. If anyone knows where I can find it (not on YouTube, sigh), or if anyone has it and could send it to me, that would be AMAZING!
The episode is actually from Hanks's appearance on the show in 1992 (season 17), but I still can't find any video - any help would be greatly appreciated!
I do not understand on how this show is not popular you know. If they are doing skits on Saturday Night Live, Family Guy, King Of Queens, or any other show who has done a tribute of Mr. Belvedere then that must say something that the writers of the show remembers Mr. Belvedere from the 80's.
This was one of my favorite shows and it is a shame that it does not get the credit it deserves or is as popular as other 80's shows. I would love to be able to get a DVD box set of this show so that I can laugh at Angela calling Mr. Belvedere the wrong name, Wesley getting onto Mr. Belvederes nerves, Wesley getting into trouble, and much much more!
Those are great memories that I have of the show. What is wrong with a lot of these station managers or program managers? Do they not know what a good show is? I mean they saturate time slots with Friends, Sex In The City, Everybody Loves Raymond, King Of Queens, and many more shows including Seinfeld!
It makes me wonder how in the world can they make fun of a show Mr. Belvedere when it is not even in syndication and has not been shown on TV since the early 90's or mid 90's you know unless it was shown in New York on some local station and that is how they came up with the idea for this you know.
It is obsure now and since it was such a chronic piece of garbage that people who remember it for what it was (total hollywood fluff) find it humerous that it ever existed. Even when SNL did this kit it had been off the air for a while.
Watch Family Guy, If your under 25 your not gonna really get 90% of the references but it is still popular...
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
Well I hate to say it but I was not much of a SNL fan or a Family Guy fan either so the only way that I would even know about it was like you mentioning it to me. I loved watching Mr. Belvedere and wished it would have taken off like other shows have you know.
Then I would be sitting here right now with the season one DVD box set making plans to buy the rest of the seasons you know. Now I wonder when and if they will ever release this for me to watch again.
I have seen the episodes that they had on Youtube and it brought me a lot of great memories because this show fell on my birthday when it premiered and I was 13 years old at that time and now I am 35 years old.
I loved the show and thought it was funny as hell! It is a shame that there are not more fans who loved this show to where it pressured stations to put it into syndication.
i'm 25...goin on 26....i get all the references on family guy...very very very occasionaly will there be something that goes by me but its very sister always gives me props on knowing the obscure s--t their always makin' fun of. the crest cavity creeps might have been my favorite reference....i hadn't seen or heard anything about them in at least a decade before i saw the ep that reference them and that was back in 01, 02?
That is cool that you understand some of the things on Family Guy and not all of it goes over your head. Yes Benson was a very good show that they use to show on TV Land at one time and then removed it from there.
no no no no no no i dont just get some of the references dude...i get them all! its very very very rare that something on the show goes over my head and when it does its usually because its something newer in the pop culture that i wouldn't get....i watch the show with my younger sister (she's in high school) enough that....i feel like i have to explain the joke to her sometimes...but then after i explain it to her she kind of rolls her eyes and says "I know..I know" now theres no possible way she could get the exact reference...but i think her and other people her age group watching the show...they realize that a lot of the jokes have references to older pieces of pop culture...they don't have to know exactly what that pop culture is to find the jokes funny...cause sometimes their just silly enough on their own. its like when i used to watch the simpsons and would laugh at jokes...and then years later i would come across a reference to something and i would flash back to a simpsons joke i remembered on that exact reference and i'd go oh man now i get it...i thought the joke was funny even before i knew what the reference was is my point
it doesn't matter if they get the reference or not...they just think its funny.
That "Say that Benson was a funny show wasn't it?" line at the end of my last post was a line that Brian the dog said to a random black guy who thought brian was racist...brian said it to show that he wasn't racist...because a racist couldn't possibly have liked Benson right? it was a random line that i;m sure a lot of people didn't get...but for those of us who did it was sweet....and yes it sucks that tvland stopped running benson...but they might have it back on sooner or later...tvland owns the rights to it for literally another two or three i'm sure rather then have it sitting on a shelf that entire time..we'll see it pop back on the sked sometime...quietly and with zero announcement but it'll be on again sometime. Positive.
Sorry about misunderstanding you. That is great that Family Guy will make references to shows that were shown about 20 years or so ago. The thing is that what would help out a lot is if Nick@Nite and some of these other stations would take the time show some of these shows that Family Guy refers to you know. The thing is that Nick@Nite does not give these classic 80's shows a chance to build enough fan base to want to watch the show. I remember back in Febuary of this year they started to air Growing Pains and I would come home from work to watch it because I grew up watching that show. I am 35 years old now and it brings back a lot of great memories. I really do not think they promote the show well enough to get people interested or they do not promote it enough for people around my age to tune in to watch the show you know.
Thanks for explaining about Benson even though I remember watching that show and loving it. Yes TV Land will have the show just pop up from time to time when we least expect it to. TV Land for a short while had Knight Rider on in the mornings but then pulled it for some reason. Nick@Nite I notice will take a show and place it later and later at night to where they will eventually pull it off the schedule so no one can watch it anymore.
well its all about ratings and getting the most viewers for their ads and getting the most appealing demos and ratings for their precious ad time.
nick at nite and tvland are both viacom/ that's about as coorperate as you can get.
what they need is a channel, like a non for profit channel that can take on these shows and just run them without worrying about where the ad time is gonna come from...sadly the economics of tv pretty much prevent that from happening.
if you were curious though there's a digital cable channel called AmLife TV (American Life TV) that broadcasts a lot of these old shows...they've been slowly acquiring the rights to all these shows and showing them in prime time...they've been showing wkrp in cincinatti and newheart (or was it the bob newheart show) for a little while now. you should check it out because i wouldn't be surprised if any month now they manage to acquire some the titles you seek.
yeah nick at nite did that for mad about you, newsradio, designing women, who's the boss?, a different world, murphy brown, just a number of sucks but if endless reruns of the cosby show and roseanne do better for the hoover vaccum's dollar then sadly theres nothing viewers like you can i can do to change the business model.
Well I get Dish Network and I have never heard of AmLife TV before so I will have to check it out sometime then. I know what you mean that they want to air the same shows that I am sick of and I hate to say it that a couple of those shows are Full House and Fresh Prince!
I loved those shows when they were on TV but then when they went into syndication then it went into maximum exposure! I mean like every station had to practically show it you know.
That is just plain nuts you know! Well Who's The Boss was on ION for quite a while and I am not sure if it still is going to be on because they just added The Drew Carey Show! I loved that show when ABC aired it at one time.
It cracked me up when Drew Carey and Mimi would get into it and play pranks on each other you know.
Have you checked out the website that is on my signature by chance? I am not sure if you remember seeing this show when you were younger because it was on from 1986 until the late 90's. I am even surprised that Family Guy has not made a reference about USA UP ALL NIGHT yet.
i have checked out your website....its nice...very nice...but i'm not too sure on the whole idea of usa up all night being its own was really just an assemblege of skits and stuff in between whatever lame movie they had the rights to know it was very entertaining...but something tells me if they brought it back it would just be skits and stuff in between whatever movies they have the rights to now. they wouldn't go about re=acquiring the rights to these old movies...although it'd be excellent if they did.
if family guy were to make a reference to usa up all night they'd probably do it by name dropping the hosts...rhonda sheer! she;s still alive right?
That is cool that you checked out the website and liked it! From what I understand is that USA Network still owns the rights to all of what USA UP ALL NIGHT use to show on that show. Plus, I have kept Rhonda Shear up to date on the petition on how much it has grown and the other day this past week she emailed me and said that she is going to take it up with the programming executive and said to keep our fingers crossed about it.
I loved all the different kinds of movies that they showed and I am sure that they could get their hands on it and all on all of these low budget movies if not then I would not be trying to get as many people to sign it you know the petition to bring back this great show. Plus, Gilbert Gottfried is doing the AFLAC duck in the commercials. Yes Rhonda Shear is still alive because every now and then from time to time she appears on Home Shopping Network to sell some things of hers.
wow i didn't know you were actually in touch with rhonda shear that's nice... if it happens obviously she's got you to thank! tell her i liked in that basic trainning movie she did years back. personally how awesome would it be if they started running all those glorious B movies again...especially the ones not available on dvd...even in edited format it'd still be worth watching again. so congrats in advance if of course it happens...i remain skeptical but you know that'd be pretty awesome if you guys pulled it off and i'd def watch.
I thought that I would let you know that I emailed USA Network to let them know about the petition and all but I have not heard anything back from them yet. Possibly because I do not have enough signatures but we are almost close to hitting 4000 signatures.
That is a lot of signatures you know to have signed the petition you know. I spoke with Rhonda Shear and she urged me to send off to USA Network about the petition and all. Just thought that I would let you know about that!
Rhonda Shear seems excited about getting this show back on again and would love to host it if it was allowed to come back on its normal time frame of Friday and Saturday nights! I am sure it will because if not then I will let the petition continue to grow. When I signed the petition back in August of this year I was #46 and now there is a total of 2941 signatures. That is a lot of signatures and people who would love to see this show back on again you know.