MovieChat Forums > Mr. Belvedere (1985) Discussion > Wall clocks in the livingroom

Wall clocks in the livingroom

I just noticed that during season 5 episode 22 "Almost Heaven" there were 2 wall clocks and a floor clock in the livingroom that show three completely different times.

This made me curious so I looked back through a bunch of episodes showing the same clocks and never were all 3 showing the same time, though a couple times 2 clocks matched.

This seems like such an easy oversight, so I'm wondering if maybe it had some meaning? I just can't see how the "eh it's just a TV show" defense could seriously apply here.


I am watching the pilot episode and there are three clocks -apparently that was just a decorating "thing"

UPDATE- next day I see episode 3 (I think it is) and I notice there are actually 4 clocks-3 on the wall and one grandfather clock and today George is trying to put off going to see Wesley in the ballet and he stops to wind/set the clock and Kevin tells him "that clock doesn't even work" and George says "It doesn't?"


I've been watching and those clocks bug me. I've been thinking one of the clocks is London time. Lol. I don't know


There's a season 2 episode (forget which one) that addresses this. Someone tries to set their watch according to one of the clocks on the wall and realizes none of them are the correct time. So it's a running joke. I like the suggestion that it was one of Marsha's decorating ideas.


The someone was Heather's boyfriend, Sean, who was later revealed to actually be in love with Marsha. The episode was actually titled "Rivals", and its main plot revolved around George and Mr. Belvedere betting each other on how long they could go without their respective vices, smoking for George and junk food for Mr. Belvedere.


That's it. Thanks for the info. Jason Bateman was the guest star in that one. And yes, he's the one who mentioned the clocks on the wall being set wrong.


I wonder if it was part of the script or if it was an ad-lib by Jason Bateman.


[Jason Bateman]'s the one who mentioned the clocks on the wall being set wrong.

If there's an ep where someone actually mentions the clocks being wrong, it had to be a different one. In the Jason Bateman ep, he looks over all 3 clocks, then looks at his watch & holds it to his ear to hear if it's ticking, and finally walks away with a slightly confused look. The entire sequence is done wordlessly, but the audience laughs like they're in on the joke (or a laugh track plays, I don't know if this show had a live audience).

I've just started watching this show on Antenna TV, I never watched it when it was first on. There may be a future ep where the clocks are discussed out loud, but I haven't seen it yet.



It was taped in front of a live audience at ABC Television Center in Hollywood.
