Ten Best Episodes of Season Four
shareMy two favorite episodes of the season are omitted here but we do agree on some.
My top 10 for season 4:
1 Yokel Hero where we almost get to see St Olaf
2 Bang the Drum, Stanley - Dorothy is on fire with her insults at Stan
3 Yes We Have No Havanas
4 The One That Got Away
5 Love Me Tender
6 Sophia's Wedding
7 Two Rode Together
8 Rites Of Spring
9 Valentine's Day
10 Foreign Exchange
The Days And Nights Of Sophia Petrillo was one of my very LEAST favorite episodes of the series, so I was shocked it made the top 10 list
I'm sorry, the Days and Night of Sophia Petrillo is one of the worst episodes of the series. It's 20 minutes of Sophia brashly and loudly complaining to everyone and anyone. She needed a muzzle.
I completely agree with you about Sophia in that episode. I really hated how she was getting on to the ladies in the band when she did absolutely nothing with them. I mean, she maybe sort of conducted a little bit with her umbrella but come on. It was clear she wasn't really part of that band. And don't get me started on all of those people who didn't get their flowers and such because she gave them to Mrs. Leonard instead.
Anyway, I do love the B plot, though. The idea of sitting around in your pajamas with your best friends on a rainy day just swapping stories just sounds like a cozy day, to me. With they could have just done that with one of their clip shows (but the good clip shows that show scenes that aren't from earlier episodes but instead and filmed just for that episode) instead of the terrible A plot from this episode.
1. Valentine's Day
2. High Anxiety
3. Rites of Spring
4. Bang the Drum, Stanley
5. Stan Takes a Wife
6. Till Death Do We Volley
7. Love Me Tender
8. Two Rode Together
9. Yes, We Have No Havanas
10. Yokel Hero