Women get enough of this crap from the medical establishment. Now Eastenders is pushing the whole "you're too old to be a mother" narrative.
I couldn't agree more. Here I am 36 years old, having my 7th child this summer and you wouldn't believe the comments that I have received about being "too old" to have a baby.
I've also been told that I'm making the wrong choice by not having an amniocentesis done.
Denise's baby came out healthy and yet she thinks that he will have a better life without her? Theoretically wouldn't an older mother be better for a child than a young one?
I feel like I have more to give my children now, than I did my older children, which I had in my twenties. Also Denise is surrounded by people willing to help and support her...her sister Kim, Patrick, her daughter Libby, her friend Carmel, etc.
I don't think EE thought this storyline through very well. When Denise's son becomes an adult, Denise won't even be 70 years old. So what is wrong with that?