MovieChat Forums > Amazing Stories (1985) Discussion > Is the Scorsese episode, Mirror Mirror, ...

Is the Scorsese episode, Mirror Mirror, any good?

Just wondering- being a Scorsese junkie and all I'll prolly check it out anyway, but wondered if there was anyone who'd seen it, give some feedback..


The only time I saw it was when it debuted, and it's scarred my psyche ever since (I was 5). I've always wanted to catch it on video, but never managed to. My little brother saw it not too long ago and said that it was still scary.


One of the best, in my opinion. I was scared to look into mirrors for quite some time as a kid. And it's nice to see the guy from Law & Order crack!


I rememeber the episode absolutely terrifying me when it originally aired. I'
ve seen it once more fairly recently and remember thinking that is was still a very good episode.



it scared me...especially at the end...everytime I see a reflection in anything I still freak out a little bit...


well if you really want to see it, i uploaded it onto YOUTUBE...




You guys are kidding right? That was one of the worst episodes I've ever seen.


i like Mirror, Mirror, but the ending really bothered me.


matt s, it's people like you why this horrible series gets such a high rating on IMDB.

This was probably the only episode that wasn't crap. It was incredibly creepy. There wasn't much plot but the buildup to the final payoff more than made up for that. The creature jumping out at the end of the window was the stuff of nightmares. I'm sure I'm not the only kid who was uneasy about looking into mirrors because of that thing that might just be standing behind me.

Yes, there was nothing in it about grandfathers waiting for a train or magicians who've lost their touch or other sentimental vomit. If you like the idea of a series that tries to be like the Twilight Zone but only doesn't have the skill to even come close, then I'm sure Amazing(ly Corny) Stories is for you.


Link doesnt work now,do u have another 1 id realy like to see this episode again.

I'm running this monkey farm now frankenstein!!!Captain Rhodes


If you subscribe to Netflix, all the episodes of "Amazing Stories" are viewable as streaming video.


I saw it when I was a kid and it scared me,I kept on searching for it,thinking it was a movie and I finally watched it again.Yeah it is good but I doesnt have an effect on me anymore.I didnt like the ending though.But that b&w pic in the end was cool!


Love this episode! The mere thought of a phantom dressed all in black trying to come up behind me and garrot me with piano wire if I look into a mirror still sends mondo chills down my spine!

Although, one might not be so scared to learn that a young Tim Robbins played the phantom lol. ;-)


How does it end??


I also saw it as a kid. I was probably 7 or 8 and to this day I have never been so scared by any tv show or movie. I couldn't look in a mirror for two weeks. I remember begging my mom to get my toothbrush out of the bathroom so I wouldn't have to go in there. I would love to see it again now. I'm sure it wouldn't have the same effect though!




This episode is one of the only fictional things that ever truly scared the living crap out of me. I swear, I could NOT look at mirrors for at least a few months after seeing this as a child. I can remember getting chills just looking at a mirror!

I watched it again a couple of years ago, and it's almost laughably tame, but back then... whoa. Your imagination as a child is through the roof, and just implanting the idea of something coming at you from a reflection is simply horror genius.

I can't believe Scorsese directed it!


creeepy episode


It's a great episode with a terrific performance by Sam Waterston and effective score from the late Michael Kamen. I only wish it could have gone on a bit longer. The ending always felt too abrupt to me but I love that kinetic style of Scorcese.


It was freaky.... actually pretty scary for "Amazing Stories"
