MovieChat Forums > Amazing Stories (1985) Discussion > The Cartoon Wheels Story is the Best Thi...

The Cartoon Wheels Story is the Best Thing I Ever Saw on TV

I remembered this as a little kid and watched it again on Netflix. What a awesome experience! Anyone agree? I never forgot this throughout all my years and finally got to watch it again.


It's the first one I watched on Netflix, because I remembered it being really good too. I dunno if I'd call it the best thing I ever saw on TV, but it was one of the best things I saw in the 1980s. :-)


It was probably the only good one they did!

Its that man again!!


They had a few really good episodes, and "The Mission" was one of them. Unfortunately there were also a few clinkers in the bunch as well. Personally I think they overdid the slapstick for one thing.


"Mummy Daddy" was another good one

..or at least I think so lol


That's the single episode I've always remembered the most.. for a long time I didn't even know what it was from, I just remembered the cartoon wheels, finally found out it was an episode of "Amazing Stories", and obviously one of the best

..or at least I think so lol


The pilot episode to this series remains one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen on celluloid. It is a 45-minute Spielberg movie, written by him, that many Spielberg fans don't even know about. So heartbreaking and tragic, yet magical and miraculous, it is a true masterpiece of imaginative storytelling.

"The Mission" was a great experience. To this day, I still own my VHS that I bought years ago. I wish I could get a DVD of just the pilot from someplace. Hmmmm..

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


Yes, best episode ever! I was only 4 years d at the time and clearly remember watching it when it was first broadcast on tv (NBC/Sunday night? Can't remember.)


Glad there are so many fellow fans! :)


Good-god.....that episode sucked!
It was interesting up until the wheels 'appeared'.

Up to that point, anyone watching was thinking:
How the heck are they gonna end this???
How will they land that plane without killing the guy in the turret???

And then, big fat cartoon-wheels suddenly appear???
All because the guy drew them????

I'm sure there were many viewers who collectively thought: *beep* they kidding me?"



Kill yourself retard.


Good one. That reputation that imdb boards has is totally unfounded.


You, sir, have restored my faith in television viewers. I didn't see this episode on TV, but have heard about it off and on over the past 20 years. You can say that I had high expectations... but I have a history with high expectations, so they weren't that high.

I watched The Mission on Netflix last night- I had watched several other episodes of Amazing Stories prior to finding this one. They all contained some fantasy element- but I had no complaint.

From the start, The Mission seemed to meet every piece of praise that I had ever heard given it. The production values of this episode were much higher than the previous ones, and it was really gripping- really emotional stuff. When the 'chute ripped, I was there with those guys. What are they going to do? How can they fix this? What they need is a miracle!

Yes, a miracle. I was totally primed for a miracle. I knew what kind of show this was and I expected some kind of heartwarming happy ending... but I was not ready for cartoon wheels. I realize this was a good 4 or so years prior to Who Framed Roger Rabbit and perhaps the appeal was in the well done blend of the photography with the cartoon wheels- I don't know. I did see WFRR when it was new and I think the novelty of the effect had a much stronger pull back then. Perhaps that's why a modern audience can't appreciate it the same way as a 1984 audience.

But yeah, cartoon wheels. How stupid.

Sorry folks. I can't share your opinion. msmith40- I share your opinion.


I thought it was worth it just to see the WTF looks on Costner and Sutherland's faces when they saw the cartoon wheels. Then Costner touches it, gets some colored pencil on his hand, and wipes it off on his shirt. And in the background, as they're getting Jonathan out of there, you hear two of the guys having a debate. "Touch it." "I'm not gonna touch it! You touch it." Classic.


I think anyone who was a kid in that era remembers this. It totally stood out.

I believe i was 6 or 7 at the time, and remember watching this with my parents.
Everything about it was great stuff for a young boy. World War II action,
elements of fantasy. Excellent episode.

And it is so interesting to watch it again years later and realize that
was Kevin Costner and Kiefer Sutherland in there....

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple..."


Written and directed by Spielberg himself.

I don't know that its the best thing I ever saw on TV, but I still remember (and its been over 25yrs since I first saw it) - being mesmerized!

The story, cast and acting were excellent!
I found myself caring about the characters.

I suppose this may best appeal to a younger person or a "young at heart" person with a desire to "believe".

Nowadays I think viewers may not have the patience - or imagination to allow themselves to be drawn in the way I was way back then.

But, if you can settle down and shut out the frenetic world we live in and just give in to this tale - you may really enjoy it as much as many of us did when we first saw it.


This was as good a Spielberg mini film as you'll ever get. has all the elements of a feature length film. As for the people who complain about the cartoon wheels ending, it fits in perfectly with the fact that the kid was a cartoonist and the miracle of his imagination coming to life was a great ending. always brings tears to your eyes waching this.


I'm with you.

The cartoon wheels coming down is my favorite moment from that entire series. Hands down.

It was so damned creative. I love that Spielberg chose to have actual "cartoon wheels" come down as opposed to the real landing gear suddenly working.
