MovieChat Forums > Amazing Stories (1985) Discussion > What's your LEAST favorite episode?

What's your LEAST favorite episode?

Among all the great episodes of this show, there are some really bad ones in my opinion.

So I would like to know what's your least favorite episode?

I recently saw "Hell Toupee" and this one didn't please me at all. It wasn't funny, it wasn't exciting, it wasn't mysterious it was just lame.


Theres a couple of really lame episodes unfortunatly, I guess Fine Tuning and Secret Cinema were the worst in the first season for me...probably no surprise we are naming all the comedy type stories (though I thought Hell Toupee was ok)

How come pandas always look like people in panda suits?


I saw the series when it was first broadcast and some of them just glued to the brain because they were ... different. One really annoyed me though and that was The Mission. It struck me as extremely sappy. If you apply magic in a movie it must be done by defining some rules and working with them. The rescue came non-motivated as a lets-all-cry-together solution. Pure religious goo. Even in magic not anything goes!
The rest of the series was superb.


Just saw The Mission today. It had solid production value up until magic "magically" became part of its universe. I was hoping for a clever solution, not "his number wasn't up." Solid series so far, though.

Matt S.


What If . . . ?

Episode 11 from season 2.

I thought the notion that that kid was just so innocent and appealing and just wanted to be hugged, okay, and have someone notice him, okay, was the worst thing in the world.

Geez, go vegetate in front of the tv playing a video game, for crying out loud, like every other kid was doing then and they do today.

But if I were to compose a list of some of the alltime worst kid performances, based solely on their looks alone, that fellow would be on it, definitely!

He was just annoying!


I honestly didnt like Mr.Magic.


"Fine Tuning." I mean, the aliens' costumes! Their hands have no digits. And they're disguised with a coat and hat? Spielberg must be rolling in his grave!

"Wow, Brazil is big!" -George W. Bush


Um...Spielberg's still alive


3 years later and ..HAHAHAHHAAAAA...SMH.....and he or she was so passionate in their response...hahahaaa..."rolling in his grave"...DOH!!


Um...I think it was a joke.


Just watched secret cinema and cringed all the way through. Awful episode, no wonder the series failed to get viewers with episodes like that. Cant decide if its worse than Guilt trip though!



Fine Tuning was horrible, I'll agree with everyone who says that, so far it's my least favorite. The show just came out on Netflix, I know I've seen it before but that was almost 30 years ago. But, Guilt Trip was great, I loved that one, which, I grew up watching Lonnie Anderson and Dom Deluise in various things so I'm kinda biased but still I thought it was a great episode. "What's Love without Guilt?" most perfect line yet, lol.


'Grandpa's Ghost' is the most boring episode i've seen.


Miscalculation with Jon Cryer is pretty awful.

you're wearing fish boots.


Im watching the 4th disc now, a lot of bad ones, hell toupee is the worst ever. The grandpa's ghost one was awesome but the end I hated. The doll was also a good one but all the other episodes were really a let down. Just no not funny and predictable. I haven't seen season 2 yet. Well I did as a kid maybe but I was too young, I'm rewatching them now. Some really good stuff int eh beginning of the season, real magic. Tampa, FL August 24-26, Happy 77 Ron!


I'm still half way through the first season, but Vanessa in the Garden is really bad as was Guilt Trip. But at least Guilt Trip was original. Garden was just...awful. Harvey Keitel was terrible.


Yeah guit trip was pants but I think so far my worst would have to be Fine tuning. Those costumes sheesh! The whole thing was awful, who honestly thought that story would make good veiwing?

"Hasta la vista, baby."
