MovieChat Forums > The Woman in Red (1984) Discussion > name of score when gene wilder was askin...

name of score when gene wilder was asking kelly lebrock out

Does anyone know the name of the score that was playing when gene wilder was asking kelly lebrock out around 44min into the movie? It was the scene when it was pouring outside and she came to return his ring or something?


when i heard the song i was trying to place the sound, and it sounds very similar to the "love theme" from flashdance. hope that helps


I always love that dramatic music! It sounds like something Giorgio Moroder could've done.

You... are... my... lucky lucky lucky star


I'm also looking for that particular melody. It sounds like stock music but is really very nice. Such a shame that the original score was not released, only the soundtrack album with Stevie Wonder's songs. Which was one of the best soundtracks, but it feels incomplete without the whole shebang.

Never be complete.
