"Taste, what are you talking about taste? Who am I, Charlie the tuna? Let's get out of here, we're running out of laughs. Let's go to the opera, drop our pants."
The joke Teddy tells about the man who tells his doctor that he can't remember anything.
"The doctor says, 'How long have you had this problem?' And the man says, 'What problem?'"
The part at the birthday party when Charles Grodin's character rescues Teddy from having to explain who Charlotte is and what she's doing there with him by explaining that she is his, Grodin's, date for a concert.
BTW, maybe one of the women here can answer this. When Teddy and Charlotte are riding to Charlotte's apartment in the limo, Charlotte is wearing white pants with some kind of design on them. When we cut to inside the apartment, she is sitting on the chair having taken off her pants, showing her legs , but still with her shoes on, which she did not remove until right before she got into the bed. Could she have taken off her pants while still wearing her shoes?
My fav is "Just a romantic soul" line, in the horse riding scene.
also "You mean that old trick still works?"
"I wanna marry you"
Radner's whole German speech
It's a very underrated comedy which gets better with every viewing, it addresses serious issues but is also very funny. Plus it has Gene Wilder, Gilda Radner, LeBrock, Charles Grodin, 80's wardrobe and a superb score, what more could you ask for?
About the answer whether women can take off their pants without removing their shoes:
Adult films have shown us that women can take off anything, even their stockings without removing their shoes. Shoes come off last.
In reality, it depends on the width of the pants at the ankle level, I guess.
There were some funny lines & parts, but honestly the funniest line because of it's absurdity, is when the lady in red tells Gene Wilder that she's never wanted a man as much as she wanted him right then! Oh wow, really?!
"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl
Was he talking about the mom/wife then? It seems like a lot of stuff as cut out of this movie. When you see the phone call scene with the wife and boyfriend and then think about the earlier line, you have to wonder.
i love this movie! just saw it again recently for the first time in about 20 years, and it still made me laugh!
buddy, when ted is getting fitted for the new suit: "now, you're cooking with crisco!"
when ted runs out on ms. milner from the restaurant and he's hiding in the back seat of his car, and then she puts the car in neutral, so that it rolls down the hill: "help....somebody help...." i just love that instead of an all-out panic, he just meekly says help a couple of times, as the camera follows ms. milner as you hear all of the car horns honking and tires screeching.
when michael calls ted at 8:15 so that he can sneak out to have dinner with TWiR, and his wife sits down next to him with the gun pointed right at his crotch.
the whole scene when buddy is pretending to be blind at the bar; so damn funny!
I love the bit where he's had his hair done and it looks ridiculous and he walks into a meeting and tries to act normally but everyone is just staring at the hair! So funny.