director's cut

If ANY movie deserves a director's cut, it's definitely THE WOMAN IN RED. The TV version, which I saw once on the WE channel, showed at least 5-6 cutting room floor scenes, some involving an affair between the spurned Gilda Radner and Wilder's partner Kyle Heffner; they were in bed together and those cut scenes added greatly to the movie's continuity and plot. Also, it's sad that the movie's producers never saw fit to add the funky song "LET'S JUST (take off our clothes)" to the official soundtrack release. Some very great missed opportunities for greatness here!!



They should slo-mo on the bush.


And zoom in for extreme close-up.


I watched this again and noticed some things.
Wilder may have put more thought into it than I realized on the first viewing.

Every time Teddy thinks of Charlotte a sound of a seagull is heard. I noticed it the first time, but it didn't make sense. Seagulls sounds make me think of the beach. This movie doesn't show a beach. When I watched it again, it hit me that the opening credits are pretty much from the point of view of the seagull that lands on the ledge beside Teddy.
The only thing - this scene occurs after the rest of the movie chronologically, so why would the character associate the seagull sound with Charlotte when he hasn't been on the ledge yet? I guess it means it is really for the viewer?

I spotted 2 hearts in the film. Maybe there are more.
The first is when Didi (the wife) shoots the gun and Teddy holds up the underwear. It looks like a smoking heart to me.
The second is at the end. When Teddy is on the ledge and looks down at the fire truck ladder. If you look at the tree it looks like a heart. Not sure if that was intentional.
