MovieChat Forums > The Wild Life (1984) Discussion > this little movie has 'attitude' !!

this little movie has 'attitude' !!

i can't B-E-L-I-E-V-E i never saw this before....

and i shoulda known... cameron crowe? i am ten minutes in and that explains why i was instantly hooked.

damn i feel like an idiot for skipping over this for the last 25 years.... like everybody saw it but me. lol

behold, sublime genius:


dude this movie has the same "feel" as fast times LOL

i feel like i just stumbled onto a jewel, i am just watching this for the first time EVER. i can't BELIEVE BELIEVE BELIEVE i havent seen this till now. i feel like a damn idiot. and i can't explain it, i don't know WHY i skipped this for all these years. i mean, i was there when fast times was out (somehow i missed this one)

it's 5 in the morning, i turned on the TV and this was playing (first five minutes too) ... i am thoroughly in 80s retro overload right now LOL

and the kids are wonderful. stoltz, penn, lea thompson, jenny wright.... i thought i had seen everything they had done but boy was i wrong. and i am totally vibing on the 80's photography. the swimsuits at the pool, the 80s models cars, the cafe where lea works, the exterior of the hotel, the bowling alley and the furniture in the apartment. MAN THIS IS AWESOME! again, i don't know H---O---W i ever missed this. i feel so dumb right now lmao

i am having reactions in so many directions right now that i don't even know where to start LOL

behold, sublime genius:


madonna music LOL...

behold, sublime genius:


I miss the 80's too. Another film that drives me into 80's yearning is Night Of The Comet (1984). Make sure to catch that flick if you haven't seen it yet.

§ Humans! You're not worth the flesh you're printed on! §


thanks plissken, I will definitely see it!

my favorite voice over ever:



i'm loving the donut shop setting. that takes me back SO BAD to the early 80s. i feel like i walked thru a time travel machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

behold, sublime genius:


and the department store reminds me of the one i worked at in 1985 86 .... those in store settings.... lol so retro

man i love this 80s movie so bad. wow. how did i miss this one for 25 years????????????

behold, sublime genius:


wow that is ironic. chris penn was watching clint eastwood on the TV in this movie at about the same time when he starred with clint in pale rider. doin the math,

behold, sublime genius:


this little movie has totally renewed my appreciation for cameron crowe. i am getting the same vibe i used to get on his writing in the 90s... he is so good with characters

behold, sublime genius:


Back in the 80s my friend and I use to watch this movie all of the time. My friend even reenacted the scene where Jim lies down out in the road and almost gets run over. I had to drag my friend out of the road so he wouldn't get run over... what an idiot!

Ilene This could be you... ILLLLLEEEEEEENNNEEEEEE!

That part cracks me up.

Did you know that this was actually written as the sequel to Fast Times? If you think about it you can figure out who was supposed to be who from Fast Times. I actually think this movie was better.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.



i wish i had caught it then. i always knew crowe had written another one after fast times, but somehow i never ran across it. perhaps i passed over it since he didn't direct it. but i agree, i like it better than fast times, too.

it reminds me of the mood/feel of the 80s, being a high schooler working late nights at fast food places, zany stuff that went on at the mall or donut shop, whatever, or just generally the feel of the days then. those were sweet times!

good story too. good characters. cameron at his best :)

Once there was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her Daddy in the bathtub.


I would love to have a time machine so I could go back to those days if only for an hour. Everything is so boring and depressing these days. No one has money, no one does anything- it's really strange.

The women in this movie were quite hot too.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.


how you been bro? haven't seen you in a while

yeah i think about those things sometimes. i can catch a vibe from a movie that seems to capture time, like you described, and go into 'nostalgia' mode.

i especially like to see movies that capture the look and feel of a location AT A CERTAIN POINT IN TIME. the other day i was on the 'fabulous baker boys' board discussing how that movie captured 1989 seattle on film. in some cases whole blocks of LA or elsewhere may be gone, yet they are preserved on film in some movie(s). i like that.

i also watched body double again this week, and i enjoyed looking at the street scenes from the early 80s

anywho, don't be a stranger man.

"Freeze, sucka! Put down the mayonnaise, slowly"


I don't post on here that much anymore and that's mostly due to not caring enough about a persons opposing point of view to debate (argue) about what is good and bad about a given movie. It comes down to personal taste and I have become tired of defending mine and ridiculing someone else's for not being the same as mine. However, a few days ago I did say that the new Mad Max trailer looks like crap.

Actually, I have never seen the Fabulous Baker Boys, but I like the Bridges brothers, Michelle Pfeiffer is stunning and I love Jazz. So, I should actually check that one out.

I live in New York and parts of the movie "In and Out" were filmed in my town. It's nice to watch that movie from time to time and to see what it looked like around here 20 years ago. Nowadays the traffic around here is insane when compared to back then.

Body Double is great. That movie gets torn apart on here, but I always enjoyed it.

Who's your favorite girl from this film? Everyone has a favorite.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.


I haven't seen it either- I'm 41 and love 80's movies- so I may give it a chance.


yeah please do, and let me know if you like it!

I mean, we're in a public place & I don't want you to lose your sh!t.

Lose my sh!t?
