I’d actually forgotten how scary the First Terminator movie is. It’s really dark and hopeless at times. Really good Horror/Sci-fi.
Imagine you’re in sunny LA in the comparatively laid back 1980’s and this unstoppable thing from the farthest reaches of the universe...45 years from
The future targets you for Termination. It kills your roommate, your mom(very scary scene) a Police station full of cops trying to protect you and has no pity or mercy.
The movie has an overall gritty feel to it. I haven’t seen “Dark Fate” because I know it won’t come close to comparing with the original in terms of quality. Terminator(1984) is scary precisely because it’s as close to realistic as a Sci-fi movie can be. There’s no corny jokes, no over the top CGI, no unrealistic “girl power” moments. It’s just a Killer Machine with incredible resilience and drive hunting an innocent woman being protected by a human soldier. It’s a good story with very well filmed scenes.