MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Cameron back to reboot franchise - Thoug...

Cameron back to reboot franchise - Thoughts and theories

Super-hyped about this!

So what do you think Cameron has left to say about the franchise?

Frankly, the one worthwhile story I feel is left to tell with this franchise is what happens AFTER the war...which has never really been covered in any Terminator media, to my knowledge.

How's this for a plot - The film could start in 2029 with Skynet's defeat and Kyle being sent back (Genisys covered it already...but I'd like to see Cameron's take). Flash-forward something like 5-6 years...and we then get to see how human civilization is rebuilt in a post-apocalyptic world.

The central conflict of the film involves a decision on whether or not to restart Skynet - this time to serve humanity. There are two factions - one that believes that Skynet is simply a tool and its time it was reprogrammed and used to benefit humanity; and the other which believes that its borderline sacrilegious to bring back basically what an entire generation only knew as the Devil.

Then there's this character (I'm seeing her as a young woman who has a connection to Kyle Reese - not a former lover or anything, but more likely a sibling/cousin/friend) who uncovers some kind of controversy involving the new Skynet project and she seeks out John Connor to help her.

John is of course living in retirement, far from the world, and eager to keep his distance from everything. He's a bit shell-shocked from the war, has PTSD, and generally has trouble coming to grips with the fact that the war is finally over and the rest of his life is not pre-ordained. He's haunted frequently by nightmares of Sarah and Kyle (and through the movie, there will be flashbacks depicting events such as Sarah's death and John's first meeting with Kyle and giving him the photo of Sarah). And he wants nothing to do with this conflict. Its only when he's told that there's a possibility of Skynet coming back and the war starting anew that he's willing to enter the fray.

The movie is basically about this duo journeying through the post-apocalyptic landscape, dealing with both human and machine threats, and exploring themes of technophobia and what progress truly means. And I envision the reveal as being a human conspirator seeking to subvert the new Skynet to become a tyrant while hiding behind the machines, which leads John to perhaps wonder if humans are the real evil and if the right side won the war or not.

Formerly sn939


This would make PERFECT sense to call it Terminator : Reboot


Apparently Cameron is only producing, so I wouldn't say that's anything to get hyped about.

The only story left for him to tell is ignoring all the sequels and just doing a sequel/prequel to the original. Make it about the war. Have Kyle and the Terminator go back in time, setting up the original movie, but then show the aftermath of the war. And how mankind rebuilds. Give it a sense of closure.


Feels unnecessary to me. He told two great stories and ended on a high note. Why bother to risk messing with that? Why bother to come back after so long? Why bother to get involved again when it's clear he's only involved with Avatar sequels at this point? I feel like his involvement is more akin to Chris Nolan's involvement with Man of Steel.


Why? Money. Fools continue to want to see the same thing over and over again, so Hollywood would continue to churn out the same crap for them.


revitalize terminator one must take a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT direction

empire strikes back is a much better film than judgement day...because empire strikes back pushes the franchise in new directions. the direction of terminator is a well worn out theme of MAN VS MACHINE without any real nuance or deviation. thus to make terminator great is to push it to a new direction

the singularity

when man and machine combine for benefits like immortality and enhancement. the story could begin with jason conner the son of john conner deviating from john conners anti robot vision because he realizes that nuclear war has caused earths atmosphere to weaken deciding that his father never really had a vision to what happens after in part because of the new divisions (mankind has once again fallen into old habits of tribalism and war). realizing the infinite possibilities of machine human hybrids and the transhuman possibility of human immortality through a merger of the machines

jason realizes this and decides to desert from his fathers people with several people as they decide to build a lab in the mountains to merge human and machine(machines that are still active from the old war). this leads to a war between father and son

return to a R rating and center it on the conflict between father and son and you got yourself a hook.

This is not a rehash of the first 2 movies and can stand on its own merits as a story



Might make a decent TV series for NetFlix.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


I hope an explanation could be made as to who, what, when and why the Time Displacement Machine was made? Was it Skynet or humans who made it and for what?

Why only living tissue could go through proving humans made it?
Why choose a huge bloak like Arnie who stands out in a crowd to blend in with populace in 80's LA?

Lastly, I do hope Linda Hamilton comes back, as well as Ed Furlong, or even Bob Patrick, or even Earl Boen.

PS: my last post so goodbye folks and goodluck.


Not a bad start element. I do hope he ignores part three and picks up where 2 left off for his own events.
