MovieChat Forums > Supergirl (1984) Discussion > 1984 must have a rough year.

1984 must have a rough year.

Faye Dunaway, Peter O'Toole, and Mia Farrow? Upon hearing those three names the ordinary response might be to gesticulate emotively, but than one hears the name of the film that their in, and, well. . . Courageously, one elects to actually watch this film, and, well. . . All three of them must have been suffering a career slump, that or they're well-affiliated with DC property.


It's not like the Salkinds said "hey, we have this s***y, low budget movie we'd like you all to star in". After the success of the first two Superman movies(and even the third wasn't a flop either), it wasn't exactly shameful for acclaimed actors to appear in a superhero movie. Sometimes, you can't tell how a movie's going to be until it's done and you can watch it from start to finish.


Indeed. It's called a Gamble. They do that a lot in Hollywood you know. Because it's true. You can never tell how your product will sell. Not everything is Jaws and Star Wars. 

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?


Yeh tbh fayes career ended with the mommy dearest movie, the other 2 did not really have a good career in the 80s or after, they obviously did it for the money..who can blame them, it was probably their last big paycheck.


faye did great in mommie dearest, she is world known actress.
peter is classic master-work actor, probably made more money than any other actor today.
mia made series of great films in 80s with woodie, she is kind and generous person who works in UN with kids in Africa etc.

i watched this film in cinema in 80s, this is a kids movie - fun to watch for adults as well. this is not shakespear's play for god sake, this is not drama larger than life. it's fun, interesting and better than any today's CGI soul-less plot-less flicks shown today.


Well Superman: The Movie had the likes of arguably the greatest actor to exist in Marlon Brando. In addition to him such acclaimed actors such as Gerald Ford and Hackman and a few others. Hell the Krypton council was made up of some greatly regarded actors at the time. I just think that with Supergirl, they were trying to recapture that with the hiring of such actors. It just didn't work out quite as well.
