Flying Scenes

This movie isn't very good but it's pretty harmless. Aside from the theme music which is outstanding & Slater's performance which is nice, the big plus is the flying scenes. I remember liking them at the time & looking at some of it the other day, they still look good. In some ways better that the Reeve films. Cgi is great but occasional wire work can look good.


I agree with you. The flying scenes are done very well. There were some other good effects as well. Shame the script wasn't better.


the flying scenes with wires were ok other than the glaring wires that can be scene in every scene

though I think we will all admit the blue screen flying looked bad

actually there was 1 scene shot on wires which was beyond bad, where supergirl is flying to the fortress that's just appeared ontop of the mountain, we get her flying fast on blue screen then it cuts to a shot on street level and we see cars in middle of road and people confused and staring towards the camera (in the direction of the fortress behind the camera) and supergirl on wires comes flying towards the camera and she is totally skewed lol her front half turns to her left and her legs turn to her right but still flying straight ahead lol

god knows why they did not refilm that :/




Look back at the George Reeves Superman flying scenes. They seemed more real to me in that the background went by fast and you had the wind sound. Only thing comparable was in the first Superman movie in 1978 when he flew back in time to save Lois. Not the same sound as GR version, but still effective.


The scene near the beginning in which Supergirl makes a loop is probably my favorite flying sequence of any Superman film. It's not the most "exciting" perhaps - I reserve that honor for when Superman rescues Lois for the first time - but it's the most "magical".


I recall when she first comes out of the water and sees the rabbit etc she then does some acrobatic flying which some of was very good wire work (the loops, not so much the flips)

now it depends on which mythology you listen to, some say that superman doesn't actually fly, he just jumps really far (as George reeve did??)


I thought it was terrible in this film when she is about to take off and swings her arms like she is away to jump. when the crane is out of control and she first appears on the roof, or when she flies though the dorm window. I know she was not connected to wires and they just say to her to make it look like she is about to fly but it looks ridiculous

It looks brilliant in the christopher reeves films where he ever so slightly bends his knees, lifts his arms and off he goes
