MovieChat Forums > Supergirl (1984) Discussion > Really loved Faye Dunaway in this!

Really loved Faye Dunaway in this!

I remember this movie in theaters, and how nasty and vicious I thought Faye Dunaway was. She made such a great villain. She has just enough wit and cattiness to make up for her devilish behavior. I didn't see the film for a while, but when the longer versions were released, I was hoping more of her footage might be what was restored. Needless to say, I was even more pleased at the "Party for the minions" scene when she was rude to the "pretty lady". That was awesome. I think Faye was beyond what any other actress would have done with the roll. She made it hers, and it's awesome because of her. Even more, the film benefited greatly for it too. Helen Slater was greatly opposed by a worthy opponent. Wish they would team up for another film. That would be super alright.


other than the making of supergirl you never hear her mention this film in any interview.ive seen her mention mommie dearest which she doesnt even want to talk about anymore numerous times in interviews but i never hear her or any of the cast other than helen slater talk about this may not have been great to the critics but i as well as many others still love this film 26 years since it came out.i wish they would release another dvd of supergirl with some current interviews with faye dunnaway,helen slater,brenda vaccarro,peter otoole marc mcclure and maureen teefy discussing this film.this film deserved much more credit than it was given and deserved at least one sequal.


Yes this film DID deserve more than it got. Even now, it awaits the right kind of respect all round. Faye Dunaway may not have mentioned it in the last few interviews she's given, but when Anchor Bay was to release the film on DVD back in 1999, Faye was totally on board for a commentary! She had to bow out at the last minute when scheduling conflicts erupted. Faye had to go to Europe to promote "The Messenger", therefor canceling what would have been an awesome commentary. I'd say she's proud of it, even though she hasn't mentioned it in years. Hope she does though, soon enough. She totally rocks out!

I'm livin' in desperate times. Bein' alive's my only crime...


A commentary would have been splendid! It still would be too. I'm not surprised that she was hyped about doing one. Somehow, it makes sense that she would have, at least back then anyhow. Let's hope she speaks up again soon!


I can't say I've seen her mention her movies at all very much. She's probably the type who doesn't like to stay in the past and remember things that were just a job. I can't say I've ever seen her mention even her movies that are considered great films, like Bonnie and Clyde and Network (I haven't seen either, by the way).


Supergirl was not just a "job". Now some of the things she started doing after the 1980s ended are a different story, but mind you, Supergirl was an event, or was supposed to be, so the casting of Faye was on par with Gene Hackman for villain in Superman. They wanted somebody big and star-studded to oppose the newcomer. Either way you look at it, it wasn't just a job, and by all accounts it's been said that Faye has wonderful things to say about it. Take what you might with that, but I on a positive note like to think it's true enough, seeing as the man responsible for the 2000 DVD speaks well of her on that subject.

On another note, you NEED to see Bonnie and Clyde and Network. They are musts for anybody. be them for or against Faye.

I'm livin' in desperate times. Bein' alive's my only crime...


i wonder if they ever did a sequal if faye dunaway would have i said once before its to bad when they made superman 4 they didnt have supergirl appear in that and they could have had superman and supergirl work against lex luthor and maybe selena as well teaming up with lex luthor.just a thought.i just wish they gave supergirl at least one sequal.


I gotta say the only reason I paid about $3.50 to $4 for Supes IV was to see if they would at least mention Supergirl in it. Needless to say, it was a waste of good matinee time. I LOVED SupesyG in the theater so much I saw it twice and had a ball both times. I wanted a sequel really bad, and waited for one for the LONGEST time. Well, about ten years later I gave up on that, but the film is still among my absolute favorites to this day, and I still wonder what adventure would have been if there were one. It would have been great to see Selena return, and what kind of trouble there would have been with that. Faye was the best villainess of the 1980s, bar none. I still await the day we get that commentary that fans have had coming since 1999.

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.


What's all this I'm hearing about a special 2-disc DVD you can get?! I have it on DVD, but it's only the single disc with commentary and theatrical trailer.

Justice for the 96
-15th April 1989



There was a special edition of the film released almost ten years ago in 2000. It was a two disc with both the International Version (124 min.) and a director's Cut (140 min.) plus the commentary, a making of featurette, a handful of different trailers, a teaser, TV Spots, a production booklet, the works!
It is now VERY out of print and hard to obtain. On amazon, or ebay, and all that oracle he say, you can get it for prices like 85 dollars.

Good luck!


Wow, first post on this site. Glad that people like faye in this as much as I do! I might write my own review of it.


I'm sorry guys but I Think that Dunaway was the worst thing in this movie...she was truly over the top...a bigger bigger ham


I'm sorry little boy, but I think you keep on saying the same thing over and over again, and it would seem, without giving the matter a second thought. She was not over the top - she was a female villain hungry for power. Nothing really over the top about that.
All you have proved is that you talk your lips cracked and never back yourself up, even if you were slipping off the edge of a cliff. We get that you THINK Faye Dunaway was bad. Well we don't, and would rather stay positive about the whole ordeal.
Alright? Alright. Carry on.


I loves me some Faye Dunaway in this film sugars! She was awesome. I remember thinking that she was the only actress to pull off the role back when I read that she was playing the villain in a Supergirl film. Years and years later I am still glad I saw the film twice in its original run. I thought the us version was lacking a little but it wasn't any fault of the actress by any meas, and when you see the film in its entirety its even better. Faye Dunaway ruled this film.


Yes, I too, loved her in this picture. She was beautiful, stylish and a great 'bigger than life' villainess.

For those who liked her performance in this film, I also recommend 'The Wicked Lady'. She's fabulous in it!

'This isn't a smile. It's the lid on a scream.' - Bet Lynch, Coronation Street


She wasn't "over the top". One could say that nonstop with Mommy and be right, but with this film, she was just having a good 'ol fashioned time with comic book villainy.

She really was "wicked" in every sense of "The Wicked Lady" While i disagree with the OTT argument there, it was certainly a warming-up before Selena.


Faye delivered a great performance in this film.


Faye was deliciously evil. It was easy to tell that she really had fun with the role. Who wouldn't?




Me too! She was a total hoot as the inept witch-wannabe intent on world-domination. I loved the comedic undertone to her performance and her rapport with her side-kick, Bianca. They made an otherwise pretty silly movie worth watching.


It's not silly titus. It stands well as a film with a timeless message, and Faye Dunaway worked wonders in a role that no other actress could have pulled through half as well.

Face to Face, the passions breathe. I Hate to stay, but then I Hate to leave /


Well, I respectfully disagree, Banshee, because to me this movie was silly, and in fact would have been plain awful if not for Faye Dunaway's awesome performance. On that I agree with you - she worked wonders with the role.


What is silly about the beautiful story of woman growing from child to adult in life experience and learning? That doesn't even touch base on the archetypical journey of the literature based hero (as has been discussed many times on this board). I think that, I mean, if you looked a little closer at the deeper connotations of this film, you might find some pretty well done choices by the writer, the director, and ultimately, the two amazing actresses who starred. It's quite remarkable, but people will never see this, not the majority anyway. There are dichotomies and symbolisms within the characters of Supergirl and Selena that entwine them as characters and allegories in the modern female position as fixed in the gaze of what was then, the modern spectator. Times have changed, of course, but the films' message remains classic and true.

In any case, Faye Dunaway was absolutely wonderful, matched only by her equally powerful (then ingenue) co-star Helen Slater. Both remarkable women, and actresses.

Face to Face, the passions breathe. I Hate to stay, but then I Hate to leave /


Dunaway was the worst thing of the movie she's truly nasty


she was nominated as worst actress for this movie



I loved the scene where she attempts to seduce Eathan, flashing one gorgeous leg at him.


Gorgeous leg ? Perhaps but the make-up...the hairstyle and the outfit? She looks simply horrid


Nothing horrid about sparkling eyes that burn like fire! Cheekbones that bring about a most sinister and compelling beauty that stands differently from the angelic heroics of the beauty that is Helen Slater.

Yes, Faye was magnificent, stunning, intense, awesome, witty, and divine! Trivia has it that the likes of Jane Fonda and Goldie Hawn turned down the role, but I'd say they were never meant for it. Could never pull it off the way it needed to be. Goldie has the wit down, but I don't think the dramatic gravity would have been there. If Jane Fonda did it, there would have been picket lines at the premiere. I love both Hawn and Fonda very much, but I don't think they could have done with it what Faye accomplished. She really made a character that was fun because she was exciting and daring, remarkably intimidating. Selena was awesome.

There are just black holes where the stars should have been!


LOL. Faye was so good in this.

The Wicked Lady was a warming-up role.

Oh lord, you gave them eyes, but they cannot see


Love Faye.

Come, Fly the teeth of the wind!


She's the worst thing in the movie.


More or less I agree


I Think that Dunaway's acting in "Supergirl" was dreadful, one of the worst ever in cinematic history, she was simply horrid in every sense.


Love Helen Slater


She was dreadful


Dunaway was a witch and then she was bizarre and grothesque but not sure charming.


I completely agree. Thanks, TheExterminating_Angel ! ! !


The role of Selena was laughable and sure a great actress than Jane Fonda turned down the role, for Dunaway not; she accepted this slaughter for her career and she deserved this end.


A little late in the thread but I thought Faye did great!

"mondays are a bi+ch"


I know Faye is fond of this movie, because I follow her on Twitter. 2 years ago, she ran a competition in that her favourite tweets would win a signed poster. I wrote "watching the fabulous @realfayedunaway in Supergirl. Power of Shadow appeeeeaaaarrrr!"

I won. She sent me a signed poster and a signed Selena picture. She's since favourited/retweeted my Supergirl tweets, ranging from "Bianca and Selena are Midvale's answer to Thelma and Louise" and "Selena always had huge hair. After 30 yrs in the Phantom Zone, she's gonna look scary!"..........


I agree with Titus' comments. Like Nicholson in Batman, she realized it was a comic book movie and didn't take it too seriously. Her and her cronie were perfect together. I especially loved it when, she looked into the books for a spell to avert disaster, she put on reading glasses! That was just a great nuance, and she must've come up with all these things and lines on her own. They couldn't have been scripted for her...


Yes, she's just great, but only when she finally gets devoured by the monster and she leaves the scene once and for all.


Funny. I had a dream recently in which I presented Faye with the 2-Disc DVD and she signed it for me. No joke. I don't know if she'd ever really sign it should I meet her and present her with the option, but it's a nice thought.

Monday's are a Bi+ch


Faye's performance is not profound per se, but so damn charming. Just love it.


