Place, not time....

The area where Reva's Diner was looked so like a trashed Brooklyn, when they showed the houses and streets in the morning light. The Battery? Not two hours away, but possibly NY, not to mention the EL. What I wonder about is what happened to make the areas so post-apocalyptic? No one ever mentioned a war happening there, and McCoy's wars could have been in any country. I know it's pre-titled "another time another place", but I still wonder what they are suggesting.


Many Walter Hill movies look dystopian e.g The Warriors, and there is never a back story. As for where it could be, yes the out of ground subways remind me of Brooklyn and the Bronx. However, the city reminded me of Detroit. Perhaps because of the all the old cars?

As for the backstory, people seem to focus on wars. However, probably was a combination of war and the economy going into the tank. The director lived through the 70s when the economy was a mess and Vietnam had finally ended. In the 70s most major cities were in shambles and NYC was on the edge of bankruptcy.


I know it's pre-titled "another time another place", but I still wonder what they are suggesting.
It's deliberately and stylishly retro-looking because I believe Walter Hill wanted to make a film about the sort of things he saw and enjoyed, when he was a teenager himself.🐭
