1) Jenny is having his baby. What is the fate of her and the child? Undoubtedly they would be under the watchful eye of the government for the rest of their lives.
2) What happens to Mark? Does he get a promotion or something? He's the one who helped the military to track and find them.
I'm sure Jenny wouldn't tell the federales about Starman being the father of her child, but even if the feds suspected it, any DNA analysis would prove the baby to be human. If they went farther and did a DNA of Scott's family, they'd know something was up. Even so, the fact that Starman was clearly a clone of Scott, they might not think anything more about it.
Good question about Mark. If his boss stayed in power, I'd guess he'd be fired. If he was the one eviscerated from the program, then Mark might be moved up, maybe taking his job.