The sea hag

Didnt quite understand that scene if that was the real scene. Wat was the deal madison made with her? Was the sea hag once a pretty mermaid too and got cursed cuz she didnt return to the sea in time? Why couldnt Allen ever return to land ever he went to live with madison?



The scene did get shot and is included in the special edition DVD. Enjoyable to see, but you don't learn much from it - sea hag history wise ;)


I have the Anniversary Edition and there aren't any deleted scenes. Which dvd is this scene on?

"Thank you life, thank you love. And it is true there is some angels in this city"


According to an article from Cinefantastique magazine titled "How To Make A Mermaid," Ron Howard decided to cut the "sea hag" scene from the film, after preview audiences said it was "too foreboding and low-key."


In the last DVD release, there was a documentary on the making of the film, and they only showed clips of the Sea Hag during the doc.

I believe the general idea was that the sea hag would somehow 'explain' the rules, such as the whole 'six days until the moon is full' that Madison mentions.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


The sea hag scene was supposed to explain some of the future plot developments.

But when they decided to cut it for whatever reasons, they figured things would simply remain mysterious until the film played out.


Does the latest version of the DVD have any deleted scenes, icluding actual moving shots of the sea hag scene?


You replied to me, and I don't know about the DVD sorry. I'm pretty sure you can find the sea hag on YouTube.
