MovieChat Forums > Splash (1984) Discussion > Splash (The bathtub scene)

Splash (The bathtub scene)

Since ya'll on the subject "Splash", I got a lil' something to say as Well. Nice movie and all but I thought that the mermaid tail was too freaky and a little scary for me, especially the scene when she was in the bathtub. I don't know if it's just me, or did any one of ya'll find the tail freaky as well? I feel this way for all live mermaid movies.



No doubt. She's hot as a *beep* but that tail keeps getting to me.



Do they show nudity in this movie?!



Whenever I think of this movie I think of that scene...then she grabs the hairdryer and blow dries it haha.

Rachel: I'm allergic to peanut butter
Ray: Since when?
Rachel: Birth.


WAIT A SECOND i was watching the movie off disney and i am surprised you see her naked Arse right their infront of you...


hmmm... well, watching that movie at a young age, (im only 15, but hey, gotta love Tom Hanks!) I've always been fascinated by mermaids, I wouldn't exactly say it's "freaky" but, yeah, a little weird. but ya know, that's a mermaid's natural feature. it was definitely weird, especially how there wasn't even any music in that scene or w/e... just very intense scene. but ya gotta admit, the costume was really good and very convincing.


Yes it was!
Man, I first saw Splash when I was like 5 ('85) and even today when I watch this movie and see her tail... I cant eat food!!! It put me off food!!! I dunno why! Its a very real looking tail and I gotta give credit to who made it and they way they use it in this movie! Its so so real!


I had a scene about that scene last night. Boy, it was crazy like crap.


I find it hard to believe that the mermaid tail in the bathtub scene in "Splash" as being freaky/scary. It wasn't a horror scene or anything like that. It was a great scene of Madison transforming into a mermaid, her first time back as a mermaid since staying on dry land.

The only problem I had was towards the end of the bathtub scene. In terms of looking more in-depth about it, when Allen knocks on the bathroom door, and Madison gets startled, and when telling Allen that she's taking a bath, and Allen gets all sexual asking if he can join her in the bathtub, Madison shouts out "NO!" and jumps out of the bathtub and smacks herself onto the floor (ouch, that's got to be painful, especially with a tail!).

Anyway, when Madison is jumping out of the tub, there doesn't seem to be any water following/coming off her body while she is landing onto the floor. Although you can clearly see that Daryl Hannah seems to be wet, but in a partly dried way. Still, shouldn't there have been water sprouting out of the tub while Madison was jumping?


I don't find the tail horrible or scary at all. I did however find it groovy how we saw the tail form, especially the scales. The design and intricate scales on the tail was a masterpiece.
It's a wonder that Madison didn't hurt herself when she jumped out of the tub. I sure know that 15 years ago when i was in the middle of my "splash infatuation phase" i hurt myself when i jumped out of my tub while acting out that scene. The floor must have been padded very well for Madison's fall:).
I've actually never thought about how there was a lack of water during that bit. Maybe her tail soaked it up?



The bathtub scene was a bit of a disappointment for me. It was really the only time we got to see the tail on 'dry land' in its entirity. I would quite happily have settled for more scenes of Miss Hannah in mermaid costume around the apartment.


Although it would have been good to see Madison laying around the apartment in her tail, it would have been kinda weird as she would have had to have been in water. Her tail would dry out without it. If the fountain was bigger Madison would have been able to lay in that and then we would have a better view of the tail.



It'd have also been good to see her lying on the beach in the tail like in those beautiful publicity shots. Maybe Walter Kornbluth could have been taking a stroll and spotted her from the distance. She would see him running and have had to crawl back to the water before he got to her.


That sounds really interesting. Instead of the scene in the movie where Walter sees her swimming in the ocean they could have had a scene like you described where she is on land in her mermaid form.
The publicity photos of Dayl on the beach were pretty. It must have taken ages to get all the shots so perfect like that. It would have also been nice having Tom in the photos with her:)



I agree with you about the publicity photos of Daryl on the beach in her tail were very nice. I think it was unfortunate that they didn't at least have her bend the tail in some pictures, or have have sitting upright instead of lying down.


You guys are making me think about that weird transformation again! I'm gonna get a 11 mph car right now.



In that scene Allen wants to know what's wrong and Maddison says she is shy. Allen makes a comment about having sex on top of the refrigerator.. How the heck can someone have sex on the refrigerator? ROFL. After all these years I'm still trying to figure it out.. :) in 1984 I was 10. :) I used to pretend I was a mermaid with my friend.. :) She used to do it too. I wouldn't put my head in the water tho cus I was afraid of doing that. Oh hey I own splash and just watched it today. :) love this movie. Splash number 2 no I didn't like it.


LOL I know exactly what you mean. I've always wondered how they could have sex on top of the refrigerator too. It would have been just as funny if he said "washing machine" instead. At least that would make a lot more sense:)



Allen makes a comment about having sex on top of the refrigerator

He doesn't actually mention having sex on top of the fridge. What he says is after the car, and the elevator, and the bedroom, and on top of the refrigerator, you were shy? We know that the elevator and probably the car were just (just ) passionate kisses. So we still don't know what happened on top of the refrigerator, and of course that's why they had him say it, to keep us guessing. And maybe you were supposed to hear more than he actually said.



I don't think that Madison's tail is scary, not in the least. I just think it is very realistic, perhaps more so than any other live-action movie about mermaids. In fact, when I was a little kid, I was convinced that Darryl Hannah was a real mermaid and was surprised to learn that she was human! Crazy, huh?


You know I had that same exact thought as a kid?

The tail was just too damn real (especially the bathtub scene; creepy!!)!!


I thought the tail was beautiful and in no way freaky. Im 21 and I still love to watch the scenes with her tail. It always takes my breath away.


Yeah her tail fin did look pretty sexy, i don't get how some of you guys think its freaky.


No, "SHE" was sexy! The tail was something else!


i think it was so nice i always wanted a real tail like that since a girl i always put salt in the bathtub and once i stayed in when i was 5 or 6 for nearly 3 4 hours thinking i am gonna be a mermaid my mom told me to come down and i yelled no i am waiting to turn into a mermaid and that was it the plug came out she was frightened incase i got sick or drowned.


I agree that the special effects were fantastic, even way back then. Especially when her lower torso, tummy actually, turned scaly, just before Madison slipped into the bath while she was combing her hair.

Then the camera pulls out and we see her tall pushed out of the tub and gently unfolds.

Then we see a shot from above of her full length body.

It is beautiful.
I do agree that that scaly scene makes my skin itch when I see it. Brrrr..


I have to admit that when I first saw the movie, that scene kind of startled me too. I guess I didn't expect the tail to be that big when it spread out over the back of the tub like that. When they first showed her splashing in the water, it was from a distance so you really couldn't see how big the tail was, but that was kind of startling when she spread her tail in the bathtub.


I thought it was a pretty and shiny tail.
Why are people so afraid of fish skin?



Its scary mehn!!! u feel it aint scary just bcoz ur looking @ it on the screen,but I bet u dont wana see a real live mermaid with ur naked eyes.


i loved her tail!
In my opnion is one of the best tails I already looked so real!


The tail didn't bother me as much as watching her skin bubble up like that. Laugh if you want but I don't even like those Chia pet commercials aired during the holidays let along this. I just focused on the fact that she seemed to really relax after a stressful day.. As far as the thigh bubbling, ugh.



The tail didn't bother me as much as watching her skin bubble up like that. Laugh if you want but I don't even like those Chia pet commercials aired during the holidays let along this. I just focused on the fact that she seemed to really relax after a stressful day.. As far as the thigh bubbling, ugh.

I guess the "bubbling" effect was a low-tech way of making her changing skin appear scaly, with the scales not being well defined. I've always wondered how they did that effect; I imagine there was a two-layer contraption over her leg, and when they sucked air out of it, the top layer compressed onto the bottom textured layer to make the impression (pun intended) of scales.


Me too! I loved her tail.....even though I was 12 when this movie came out, I sooooo coveted that tail whenever I got into the pool. I thought it was I wished fervently that I was a mermaid--or at least Daryl Hannah if I couldn't be a mermaid! lol Very cool looking tail, and I LOVE the bathtub scene, where the tail emerges from the water and then unfolds across the foot of the tub, gives a little slap sound. It was very realistic, I thought.

The only thing that I have never been able to work out is what she's doing just at the moment her legs turn to the tail, when the scales come out. It looks like she's pinching her arm...? Check it..
she slips into the bathroom, adjusts the lights. Turns on the taps and then adjusts the temperature. Feels the water. Then she takes out the Morton's salt and pours it in. She picks up the hairbrush, brushes 2 strokes, puts the brush down, and then with her left hand reaches across to her right arm, and I swear it looks like she's pinching her arm and the scales come out.

I have seen this movie at least 200 times (maybe even more than that!) and I look for it every single time to see if I can work out if she's doing that, or I'm just not seeing it correctly. After 27 years, it still looks to me like she's pinching her arm to get the scales out! In fact, I just got finished watching again (it was on Foxtel).

Oh, and I always get super sad during the scenes when they've got her in the tank, and they've just finished running some tests on her (prsumably blood, based on the computer monitor). Her tail is all dull and pale, with fungus growing all over it.....she just looks defeated and folds herself over her tail and hides her face behind her hair. She's all sad and so her immune system is down or something.

I've seen fish in tanks like that, pale and dull with fungus all over them and they die within days. :-(.
