Me too! I loved her tail.....even though I was 12 when this movie came out, I sooooo coveted that tail whenever I got into the pool. I thought it was I wished fervently that I was a mermaid--or at least Daryl Hannah if I couldn't be a mermaid! lol Very cool looking tail, and I LOVE the bathtub scene, where the tail emerges from the water and then unfolds across the foot of the tub, gives a little slap sound. It was very realistic, I thought.
The only thing that I have never been able to work out is what she's doing just at the moment her legs turn to the tail, when the scales come out. It looks like she's pinching her arm...? Check it..
she slips into the bathroom, adjusts the lights. Turns on the taps and then adjusts the temperature. Feels the water. Then she takes out the Morton's salt and pours it in. She picks up the hairbrush, brushes 2 strokes, puts the brush down, and then with her left hand reaches across to her right arm, and I swear it looks like she's pinching her arm and the scales come out.
I have seen this movie at least 200 times (maybe even more than that!) and I look for it every single time to see if I can work out if she's doing that, or I'm just not seeing it correctly. After 27 years, it still looks to me like she's pinching her arm to get the scales out! In fact, I just got finished watching again (it was on Foxtel).
Oh, and I always get super sad during the scenes when they've got her in the tank, and they've just finished running some tests on her (prsumably blood, based on the computer monitor). Her tail is all dull and pale, with fungus growing all over it.....she just looks defeated and folds herself over her tail and hides her face behind her hair. She's all sad and so her immune system is down or something.
I've seen fish in tanks like that, pale and dull with fungus all over them and they die within days. :-(.