The score

I'm not saying that the score for this movie is bad. The music is often just a little too electronic sounding and an obvious product of the 80's to really suit the 1940s setting of the film. Did anyone else find this?

"In terms of timetables, as quickly as possible — whatever that means." —George W. Bush


Absolutely! It really took us out of the film at a couple of points.

I understand the attempt to try to make it hipper and more relatable in the 80's, but the few places where it jumped out sounded oddly dated.


I agree. I love Herbie Hancock though, but it did sound more 80's than 40's.


Really , I was disapointed especially at the end credits when they were playing St.Louis Blues March by Glenn Miller they should have had the original.


Yeah, I did notice this...especially that one point where they're driving, the music is a blues, but the lead instrument is a synth. Didn't really fit, but of interest if you're a fan of Herbie. The rest of the music I loved though, not sure if Herbie was involved in all of it.


I saw the movie twice when it came out and I'm watching it right now. Back then, I didn't notice the score at all but watching it now, I do find it intrusive.

Must have been a product of the times...


It's okay to say it. The music sucked. It was grating on me the entire movie. I don't care if it was Herbie Hancock or not, the music just didn't fit the movie.


Heh I came to see if anyone else posted about this. The actual score is not bad although not great but it's completely destroyed by the terrible 80ies synthesizer mania and its omnipresence.

But then most of Jewison's movies have terrible music. In the Heat of the Night had some of the worst country I have ever heard, mingled with some really stupid twist instrumentals.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I will say it was bad. Downright atrocious, in fact. It seriously hampers the film's impact. Hancock was so self-indulgently adherent to his own style as to ignore how inappropriate and anachronistic it is. It belongs in some 1980s action/cop movie, not a 1940s-era drama.

"You liked Rashomon."
"That's not how I remember it."


Agreed. It was the one weak spot in the entire film; really, REALLY poorly done.

Here's to the health of Cardinal Puff.


The score is really the only drawback. But it was the 80s and Herbie was in demand especially after "Rockit" became such a huge hit.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'

