MovieChat Forums > A Soldier's Story (1984) Discussion > Sgt. Waters=''The Boondocks'''s Uncle R...

Sgt. Waters=''The Boondocks'''s Uncle Ruckus?

I wonder if Aaron McGruder saw this movie and drew inspiration for Uncle Ruckus from Sgt. Waters. If you look at the two characters side by side, there are a lot of similarities. The only difference is that Waters is played serious while Ruckus is done for laughs.

Yippee: "For king!"
Yappee: "For country!"
Yahooie: "And, most of all, for 10ยข an hour!"


nah...ruckus is a complete clown

Sarge is damaged but at least the film gives you a bit of his backstory


I think Uncle Ruckus is the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson - a man who apparently never met a black person who is hard working and honest, and is consistantly trotted out on Fox News as an alleged 'black voice'.

I can see your dirty pillows.


You nailed it! Everytime I see a comment about Jesse Lee Peterson, I reply with Jesse Lee Peterson = Uncle Ruckus personified! Also, Allen West, E.W. Jackson and lately this Kevin Jackson character seem to want to take up the mantle of Sell Out Self-loathers!


No. They are two completely different characters with two completely different mindsets. Ruckus thinks blacks are inferior and is in denial about himself over that. Waters on the other hand believes the opposite......but he has been consumed by his loathing of people like C.J. (that he feels are bringing the race down).

Ignoring: MythicCDXX, Creeping Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian
