MovieChat Forums > Runaway (1984) Discussion > Super awkward long kiss into credits

Super awkward long kiss into credits can even see the hesitation in Cynthia Rhode's eyes before Selleck pulls her in...

Pretty classic/retro movie though. Watched it again last night on HD movie net. Underrated cheesyness


This movie was great schlock. I always thought the robots looked like they were built by Mr. Wizard when I was a kid.


robots were great/creepy...they are clearly pupetteere'd, but I originally thought they were remote controlled/actually moving

That end sequence / elevator scene is great...I was on the edge of my seat as a kid...the last part where Gene's character comes back for the final choke, was pretty bad...and why no makeup to show the acid on his face...must have been a laugh having the guy from Kiss not want to put any additional make-up on.


I never even thought of that. That is pretty funny.


Just watched it.. If i had to kiss a guy that long, i would hesitate too.

1) To make sure i had my two bathroom breaks before the embrace

2) Make sure we BOTH brushed our teeth and used good mouthwash

3) Med-Check to see if he's clear from herpes

4) Make sure i had breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks before having to stand there kiss the guy without running into a low blood sugar crisis.


That kinda ruins the moment though dunnit?


It kind of depends..

On if it's a "moment" or a "marathon".. :)


If it’s GOOD, it always feels like a moment. As Einstein said, “If you spend an hour with a pretty girl, it feels like five minutes.”
