Is the concept of Nerd Revenge even relevant enough for a remake today?
It's been said that Bill Gates once said "Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for one someday". He didn't actually say this but it is the kind of thing everyone thinks he might say. But the truth it, the smartest kids don't always (or usually) end up as the boss or CEO. It's usually the ones who talk a good game, or are the biggest bullies. In reality, C students with people skills and aggressive personalities often work in positions superior to the A students with all the academic knowledge and technical skills; the so called nerds.
Anti-intellectualism and the gradual dumbing down of America is a real thing. Education is more about indoctrination than acquiring knowledge and learning. It's about preparing you to be a conformist. In the real world, "it's not what you know, but who you know". And the jocks and popular kids tend to make it a point to know the right people. Knowing how to play "the game" is not something nerds have ever been good at. It's also says something that a lot of the one percenters either don't have college degrees or have token degrees (no more than a B.S) in something like buisness or political science. But in reality, they got their knowledge from the inside (usually their families "knowing the right people").
People are increasingly being led by emotion by aggressive or sleazy smooth and fast talkers who appeal to ignorance, hate, and manipulative rhetoric. I think the notion of jocks ending up working for nerds (as some form of poetic justice) stopped being relevant after 1997. It's evident that nerds still aren't running the world. They may maintain the infrastructure, but the folks signing their paychecks may still be the former football captain or cheerleaders.