I knew it, I knew there was one scene cut short from VHS to DVD
I'm talking about the part where Louis finds a house for rent and there is a sign on the front lawn with a phone number. He then goes back to tell the others and then another scene where they are all walking towards the house. This part of the movie has been cut short on DVD just because of that sign that didn't had a 555 number.
Here is the scene; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIzaC7uMHcI
Okay now there is another part cut short that I'm not so sure of. It's in the Gym when Gilbert was talking to Louis who was setting up the robot and telling him none of the frat groups pick them and should be patient till something good comes along. We get a edit from Gilbert to Louis who gave a smile at him. Now I may not be mistaken, there was something more to that scene and they just made it that way on all DVD copies. There is no way that I would ever see a rare VHS copy and a working VCR to see if I was right or wrong