Betty wasn't sh*t!

This chick had no loyalty. She was happy with STAN and then Lewis comes and sneaks into her panties and that's it? That's how Stan lost the Captain of the cheerleaders? Damn, she didn't even know Lewis.

*beep* Betty!!


I always thought that one part was just unbelievable. I mean, he basically raped the girl because she didn't know it wasn't stan. he should have went to the cops instead of letting him kiss


Actually, I always thought it was stupid that Lewis wanted to date her afterwards. Betty was the queen bi+ch that mocked and tried to embarrass him and his friends, and probably had an IQ of about 50. He should have said, "You were fun in the sack once, now get lost."


I like joe-809's idea.

actually betty was *beep*

they like me-they really like me!


Yeah, but then she probably would have pressed charges.

I'm not sure where the filmmakers were going with that whole thing, but I don't see Betty being too different from a lot of the girls that are around in the college scene. When you're college age, a lot of people probably feel like it's cool to do whatever with whoever since you aren't married yet. Loyalty is a foreign concept.

Plus, as bitchy as Betty was -- and she was, absolutely -- Gable was 10x worse. I couldn't imagine getting his girlfriend stolen by a nerd happening to a better guy than Stan.


In reality he would have beaten Lewis to a bloody pulp and force Lewis to break up with her. As much as he liked Betty there's only so many beating he could take to realise it's not worth it.



Its called "Committing a Robbery", where you steal a woman from another guy for the sheer pleasure of stealing her.

It said a lot about her morality when she would dump a guy like Stan just because Skolnick is better in the sack.


what I didn't understand was why lewis took her in the end. I mean in the begining of the movie she wouldnt give him the time of day. The all the nerds become popular in the end with the big speach and such, then shes all over him like a fat kid sees cake. Yeah shes a ho for sho lol!


She was a total whore. Typical 80s slut.



I may be reading into this movie too deeply, but I don't think Betty dumped Stan just because Lewis was better at sex. Before she went to the fun house, Stan basically rejected her sexual overtures, calling her a horny goat. Most girls would be offended by that.

"Sleep is for sissies."


Generally speaking, the 80's college romp was not a genre meant to inspire thought.

Marty's dance cycle is disturbingly erotic.


by HollinsHermione » Sun Apr 18 2010 15:32:21
IMDb member since August 2006
I may be reading into this movie too deeply, but I don't think Betty dumped Stan just because Lewis was better at sex. Before she went to the fun house, Stan basically rejected her sexual overtures, calling her a horny goat. Most girls would be offended by that.

Yet when she saw Lewis and thought it was Stan she was Happy and enthusiastic to have sex with him. Couldn't have offended her too much


I guess Lewis did rape Betty, since she thought it was Stan.

*"The light was yellow, sir". -Elwood Blues.*


She liked the way Lewis made love to her and fell in love with him. In these movies, that always happens.



Yeah, she was pretty cruel to the nerds up until that point. I guess she just goes with whoever pleases her sexual needs most.
To quote Booger "Lewis you stud you!"

Miss The Old USA Network?



Her breasts were really weird (ice cream cone shaped) I have never seen a girl with boobs shaped like that.


LOL. This was before the boob job age began.


They actually look like the first boob jobs in the 80s. Just to taught balls attached to her chest. She probably started from nothing, so needed tennis ball sized ones attached to her. Yeah, I was only 12 when that movie came out and thought something was off with her breasts. Early implants.

Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment! You will burn. Oh, you will burn!


There is no way in hell those were implants.


especially when they took pics of her topless & stamped them on the pie plates. yea.

he left u NAKED in a DITCH!


I don't understand what you mean?


Betty had banana titties.


Betty was just unattractive all around. Weird boobs, weird butt, and gross front with ribs poking out. There were at least 4 Mu's hotter than her.

Best solution for a troll post - just ignore!


Teen movies have that storyline where this girl whose boyfriend is a jerk and is with him until she finds someone who is better and treats her better.


Betty realized after the sex scene that she could not judge a book by its cover.. she realized that she had acted wrong.. Stan just treated Betty like arm candy.. I am not on Betty's side really.. when she made that comment that "all of them(the nerds) look alike to me" that made her sound like a racist!!!


Yes being with him sh did someone who was better than Stan and would treat her better.
