
Where did they meet, Miami Beach? Seemed like she just popped up to me.


It's in the extended 251 minute version.

After Noodles rapes Deborah he gets drunk and meets Eve in a bar. He pays her for sex during which he fantasizes that she's Deborah. He wakes up many hours later alone in bed and reads her thank you note:

"So long and thanks.
Next time less money
and more work, I hope.
Tel PL2-5630 Deborah"


thanks a lot, I don't know why they would cut that out, i saw the 229 minute version


I think they cut it because in the original cut, it goes from that brilliant panoramic shot of Noodles after being kicked out of the car to Deborah being on the train without missing a beat of the "Deborah's Theme" music.
The music, plus showing her literally pulling the shutter down on him immediately after the unspeakable scene is very powerful.
In the extended edition, as well as the scene mentioned above, it also shows Deborah in the station restaurant before making her way to the train (presumably so they had time to build the music up again). It takes all the momentum out of this scene.
They could maybe have shown it as some kind of flashback scene later on - maybe when Max is telling Noodles that Cockeye found him "so doped up (he) didn't even recognise him" but then it would be a flashback within a flashback within a flashback etc.
Besides, she doesn't add a great deal to the story and it's maybe better left to the audience's imagination - until I saw the extended scene I just thought Noodles had moved on and met a nice normal girl in Miami


Poor Eve.
