Is the DVD any good?

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone out there has the DVD that's evailable on eBay. I would like to know what kind of quality it has because I got Trancers from eBay and found it was also not "properly released" and the quality was disgraceful.




dude. i loved this movie growing up. this and Gymkata. def not a movie for the time, but since there hasnt been a good "ninja" movie in about 18 years, it will do...


That dvd that you saw on ebay is a bootleg. Basically what they did was transfer the VHS tape over to a DVD-R. Wait till MGM/SONY releases the official dvd sometime next year.


I bought the 'transferred VHS to dvd-r" DVD.

Pros: Nice to have it on DVD. I don't remember if it had scene selections.

Cons: Quality is mediocre.

I had to have it on DVD. As a kid I loved this movie. Now that I am older... yah its pretty cheesy. The opening scene is still pretty good even today.

As for the fella that says that an actual studio DVD will be released next year (2007), where do you get your information?

If its true, I will be looking forward to it.



Gymkata!?! Yes!!

The Town of the Crazies...!

Yup, those were the days, Lucinda was the stuff! *sigh*


gymkata is on DVD now. So is Cheerleader camp starring lucinda dickey. We got to get these movies out on DVD
