Attempted rape/assault scene

So an aerobics instructor is about to be gang raped and a group of civilians gather round to watch and dont even try to stepping in?!?! And there was an off duty cop watching on as well (who wanted to arrest her!). What pervs


Just came here to say the same!
Firstly, what kind of idiots try to rape someone in broad daylight outside aa gym they are presumably members of while 20 people watch?
You have to wonder if the film makers were having fun making this or if they are genuinely idiotic?


That cop was a real corrupt jerk. He "arrested" her but not those guys. Didn't even take a statement from the first victim or the names of those attempted rapists.

So corrupt cop threatens to kick her out of the car and ends up in bed with her????




He never wanted to arrest her, he met her at the police station while eavesdropping on her police report about finding the ninja assassin. Then he started following her around, yes because he wanted to sleep with her.

"Death has come to your little town, Sheriff."
