this movie ROCKS!!

i loved this movie back when i was a kid! a cult classic!! that ninja was so badass!


you're so right! the black ninja is really the star here!


One of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

But I've come to expect "unintentionally funny" action movies from Firstenberg, who also brought us such classics as American Ninja, American Ninja 2: The Confrontation, Avenging Force, American Samurai, Delta Force 3: The Killing Game and Cyborg Cop. I'm a huge fan of his, seeing as in he makes great B-rated action flicks.

Anyway, as you were.


I came upon this film at midnight on action max with my friends. It is the greatest display of American cinema in the history of mankind. I love it. I need more of it. When's the sequel coming out?!!!


When the ninja shoots the dart into that guys gun barrel making it blow up in his hand had me pissing myself in laughter.

This movie was so lame and cheesy that I loved every second of it. I'm gonna hunt down a copy of this and buy this bad boy.


I'm watching it on Cinemax at this very momnent. Freakin hillarious!!

"When the ninja shoots the dart into that guys gun barrel making it blow up in his hand" I was about to wet myself when that happened.

I was 20 and in college when this came out so I can totally relate to the extremely dated clothes, hairstyles, music, etc. Such a cheesy flick! =)



"When the ninja shoots the dart into that guys gun barrel making it blow up in his hand had me pissing myself in laughter. " Me too, man :)) hahah best scene ever!!!




Some of my favorite lines from this movie:
"Only a ninja can kill a ninja"
"They are only sleeping"


Agreed. This film is a gloriously ludicrous slice of pure 80's chopsocky horror trash.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!

