Roy's future SPOILERS

In high school english we read the book and we saw the movie. Anyway, the book ends differently from the movie. In the book Roy does not hit a home run complete with fireworks show and become a great hero like he does in the movie. Instead, in the book he strikes out and its revealed in the papers about his injury from having been shot all those years ago and also about him being paid to throw the game. So the book ends with the assumption that Roy will be banned from professional baseball and that he has nothing left. The book ending is much darker than the movie ending. Anyway, my english teacher said that in the book he has one thing going for him, he has Iris. If he can get over the fact that she is a grandmother he can pursue a future with her and with their child that she will be having.


The novel The Natural is ultimately about the choices we make,how those choices impact our lives.
And that in the end the right choice, the honest choice has to made for its own sake and not for money, glory or fame.
It's a lesson Roy only learns very painfully in the end.

The movie took the mythic nature of baseball and gives us an uplifting ending.

The Wizard Has Spoken
