bump bailey on 'roids?
why he thought he could run through a wall? ξ
why he thought he could run through a wall? ξ
Assuming you're being serious...
Running into outfield walls was more common than you might think. Outfielders could get "target lock" on a fly ball and not know where they were. Outfielder Pete Reiser of the Brooklyn Dodgers was an intensely competitive player. He frequently crashed into the outfield wall while chasing fly balls and at one point held the MLB record for being carried off the field unconscious in a stretcher. With these injuries (and more acquired through regular playing) his career never really developed into what it could have been.
Ballparks (with the notable exception of Tropicana Field and maybe a couple others) have warning tracks with dirt or cinders so that an outfielder knows where he is.
As to Bump Bailey... He was a prima donna on a lousy team and he was suddenly in danger of losing his status once they learned how good Roy really was. Its not surprising that he's going to suddenly start giving 110% on every play - with unfortunate consequences.
Exactly right cowgoesmoo. Teams placed cinder warning tracks in front of the fences because so many outfielders were running into the walls and getting hurt. The first warning track was in Yankee Stadium in the 1940s where an actual running track was built for use in track and field events. When other ballpark owners and designers saw how the track helped outfielders, it became a feature at every ballpark.
Early attempts at warning tracks included sloped fields to give outfielders a heads-up that the wall was coming, but it wasn't until 1949 that the warning track was formalized by MLB, which required cinder paths or something other than grass in all parks, 10 feet from the walls.
Typical widths run about six feet for Little League fields to about 10 to 15 feet for college or professional play. A warning track that wide also lets groundskeepers avoid driving maintenance vehicles on the grass.
Most of my friends who have inferiority complexes are absolutely right.
glad they made that improvement.
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