filming location

I was wondering if anyone out there knows where the house overlooking the Pacific Ocean is located. I'm talking about the large house with swimming pool in the back that overlooks the beautiful Southern California coastline, and where the opening and closing scenes in the film were shot.


You were struck by the locations too? They are used to excellent effect and it makes such a nice change from the horrors of the back woods for the umpteenth time.

I don't care what anyone says, I think Mortuary is a mini masterpiece.


Dear startide77: Those who might bash MORTUARY for whatever reasons they may have ought to try making a horror movie themseleves.

I like MORTUARY. I've had my Vestron Video for a LONG time. Just watched it last night for the first time in a couple of years.

>>> Bill Paxton does a better acting job here than he does in TWISTER.

Another great Paxton performance: NEAR DARK (1987)


You can buy it on DVD as long as you're PAL enabled. I did, which reminds me I really must off those copies on ebay, maybe with a copy on DVD for free.

No matter how hard I try, I still can't watch it in the dark. You'd think I would have grown out of that by now, but it would probably still give me nightmares.

FWIW, Twister is actually one of my favourites, but that has nothing to do with Bill. I still can't believe it lost out on the SFX Oscar to ID4!!!!!!!

You can rest your mind at last, you've resolved the horrors past...


Hey, startide77, I am PAL enabled -- but only for PAL-VHS tapes. I actually have MORTUARY on Hokushin Video from the UK to go along with my U.S. Vestron Video.



Now that I think about it, the Italian DVD is actually region free, so if you can play PAL tapes, PAL DVDs should be no problem. If you're interested of course. It's a nice clean FS print.

You can rest your mind at last, you've resolved the horrors past...


Dear start: HI. I don't actually own a DVD player. Just that one industrial VCR. And what a useful unit it is!

It'll play any tape from anywhere in the world.

A godsend.



My Sony died, a service should fix it up nicely, but I just can't be bothered yet, even though I have vast numbers of tapes unwatched. Bought a DVDR/VCR combo instead. Next stop, DVR with HDD. But first to those tapes...

You can rest your mind at last, you've resolved the horrors past...


Back to the original topic, doesn't anyone have information on where the filming locations were for the house with the swimming pool in back, overlooking the Pacific Ocean? Heck, I'd be interested in learning about ALL of the film's filming locations, from the junior college to the cemetery to the roller skating rink. If anyone could give any info, it would be much appreciated. Likewise, if perhaps anyone involved with the making of "Mortuary" might read this and have info for us, that would be terrific.


Christie and Eve Parsons home is actually "Gulls Way Estate - 26800 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, California, USA"

Recently used in the series "Revenge" on ABC as Mason Treadwell's (Roger Bart) home that was torched by the "real" Amanda. (Emily Van Camp)

The estate has changed over the years...

