Is it good & scary? I always looked @ the back of the VHS tape cover
and it looked scary, but I NEVER did ever rent it!
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart
and it looked scary, but I NEVER did ever rent it!
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart
It's only ok....Bill Paxton is pretty funny (intentionally? Hard to tell) in a few scenes, particularly one where he's skipping through a garden. The cover is TOTALLY misleading - nothing like that ever happens, not even close.
shareby Terpsfan » 9 hours ago (Wed Nov 26 2014 16:33:57)
IMDb member since June 2004
It's only ok....Bill Paxton is pretty funny (intentionally? Hard to tell) in a few scenes, particularly one where he's skipping through a garden. The cover is TOTALLY misleading - nothing like that ever happens, not even close.
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart share