Chuck Norris low balling
Thought it was an a$$hole move I lost respect for him when he offered 5k for the 20k boat. Pointing an m60 at the guy was uncalled for too, he was a nice guy.
shareThought it was an a$$hole move I lost respect for him when he offered 5k for the 20k boat. Pointing an m60 at the guy was uncalled for too, he was a nice guy.
shareI'm not quite sure what you are trying to do here, but it's just a movie!
shareHoly moly is that you Chuck?
shareThe big problem I have with the movie is that Braddock is a thoroughgoing dick who antagonizes the Vietnamese to the point where General Tran is almost justified in running a propaganda stunt to discredit him, got himself into a situation where murdering Tran was almost inevitable (getting off really lucky that the other Vietnamese buy his alibi), and virtually inviting a situation where he's supremely lucky one of the numerous attempts to assassinate him didn't succeed. Not to mention acting like a jerk towards even people whose help he wants and/or needs, or sympathize with him like Ann. Norris is better in the sequel if for no better reason than Braddock isn't required to be a jack off.