Which version is it? (Contains spoiler)

Years and years ago, back in the 1980's, I saw the original Japanese movie version of Macross. I was definitely NOT the Robotech series. One of the few differences that I do remember is the character who would later become Roy did not die in his bed. He died in his cockpit because his Mecha was damaged, he was wounded, and a Zentradi walked up to him and blew away the cockpit. Well, I assume it was the Roy character. The movie was in Japanese with Chinese subtitles, and it was at a comic book convention and was being shown by some people who worked at Harmony Gold and they were promoting the Robotech TV series.

Does this version of Macross sound familiar to anyone here? If so, does anyone know its English release title? I think it is "Macross: Do You Remember Love? Perfect Edition DVD", but I'm not totally sure. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Take care and have a great day....



this movie has been buchered into many editions. the worst was clash of bionoids its missing almost 1/3 of the movie
sorry to say but the version you probably saw was second re edit.

only good way to get the macross DYRL state side is slim its not officially released and best bet to get a dvd copy is on e bay.
