Minmay and Kyle

Does anyone know if they are cousins in this version and if they are does the relationship get very strong and disturbing?



So you don't see anything different in the uncut version? Kyle is like the worst character in all of Macross. There also should of been more episodes with Azonia taking control of the operations to capture the SDF-1. Khyron and Breetai stinks. You hardly see Azonia do anything and that's the same with Miriyia.


God no they weren't cousins. He was merely her manager, I don't know how that whole cousin thing came up in Robotech, but it was very disturbing, and sickening, especially when he kissed her. I wish they over dubbed the DVD release of Robotech and just said this is Kyle my manager.

This was the wrost thing since Greedo shooting first.

- What a whiny little runt... I said runt - Brian, Family Guy


In the episode when Kyle is introduced in the Japanese version why is he at Minmay's house then? Since they're not cousins and all. I apologize if that sounds mean.


I just watched that episode of Macross and Minmei does introduce Kaifun (kyle) as her cousin. Later on the SDF-1 at the party Hikaru (rick) even tells Max and Misa (lisa) that he is Minmei's Uncle's son or Minmei's cousin.


Rumours suggest that Kyle and Minmay are brother and sister in the Japanese version, but info is kinda sketchy. But they are related in some way.


In the Animeigo realese of the series as subtitled they are indeed first cousins plus there is the fact they have the same last name. But Kyle/Kaifun was the one interested in her. She thought of him more as a big brother then anything.


In TV series, they were "cousins."
In movie version, they were "brother and sister."
When you think about the kiss scene in movie version, you can see the creators wanted to make it more awkward.

If you can read Japanese check this link


in robotech, they said they were "cousins but in the japanese macross, i thought kyle was only a manager for minmay. i would have to re watch the animego dvds again to double check but robotech really confused everyone when ppl saw macross after seeing robotech.


Later on he became her manager near the end of the War and afterwards if I recall. I didn't get to confused at all actually. It was almost like watching two completly differn't shows. While Robotech did in large part get me into Anime I do prefer the original Macross version.


You know only Americans have this huge taboo against cousins marrying. Other parts of the world its fairly common and encouraged even. Asia being one of these places. Here is a nice article about it


So even if they are cousins in the Japanese version, the Japanese probably wouldnt be so outraged as we Americans are. Brother and Sister is a litte wrong though


Well she DOES say Nissan in DYRL, i'm almost positive.
In any case, the kiss in the film is forced, SOMEONE has to kiss her to satisfy Brlwitai (that's sorta how it's spelled in Macross, right?), and he's probably being protective of her (or OVERprotective, nodding to the series' crush on her) so he probalby figures "better me than some of these stranger bozos".
In any case, them being brothers or relatives and having a SERIOUS relationship is sorta sick, not SOOOO much with cousins, it's really weird but more common, now between brothers...
In any case, i hate Lynn Kaifun/Kyle to guts, so squish that drunk sicko perv with a Valkyrie for all i care.


While ni-san is used for brother (ni specifically), it does NOT necessarily mean they are related.

It is also used between people who have a familiral relationship (ie. grew up together like they were siblings).


Once again, according to the staff note, they were cousins in the TV series.
But in movie version, it was changed and they were siblings with same parents.

You don't see much sexual tension between two in movie version.
And the kiss scene was VERY awkward.

Whether you take it or not, it's what the creators tried to show.


The thing is, Japanese culture may have a slightly different definition of "cousin" than the west does. I have many Eastern friends and they often refer the children of their parents close friends as "cousins"
