MovieChat Forums > Lace (1984) Discussion > I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!


I really love this movie.. I'm so glad that people know the music and the movie!! I was 4 when this movie came out and i have both Lace I & II still in the VHS and I make all my friends watch it. I even loved it so much that I read the books. It's great to know I'm not the only one that remembers this movie and loves it as much as i do!!


There are books? Who is the author? Where can someone buy the movies? Any place that is not online? I love this movie from what I remember watching. I haven't seen the whole thing yet.


This book, which is far superior to the mini-series, was written by Shirley Conran. I recently re-read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. There was a "Lace II" book but it was anemic compared to the original. An excellent beach read!


Me too!! I loved Lace the first time I saw it. I was about ten and had a massive crush on Phoebe Cates. It took me many years to find the films, lace and its sequel Lace 2, first on vhs then dvd. They are still great. So lush and romantic. I acutally think the movies are pretty good. The photography the music, all help to make it a womderful expreience. Its nice to know others love it too. It was not so well received when it premiered!
